Dr Justin Coulson Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Dr Justin Coulson

  • Dr Justin Coulson is one of Australia's leading experts in the areas of parenting, relationships, and wellbeing and resilience in the workplace.
  • Justin has a PhD in Positive Psychology, holds an Honorary Fellowship at the University of Melbourne’s Graduate School of Education in the Centre for Positive Psychology and is a Senior Associate at the Positive Psychology Institute.
  • He’s a TEDx speaker and has worked with many of Australia’s biggest brands including the Commonwealth Bank, Intel Security, ANZ, IHG.
  • He has also served as a consultant to the Australian Government’s Raising Children Network, and the Office of the e-Safety Commissioner, Intel Security, Life Education and others.
  • Dr Coulson is a three-time best-selling author and has written several books and eBooks about parenting, including 21 Days to a Happier Family (Harper Collins, 2016), 9 ways to a Resilient Child (Harper Collins, 2017) and Miss-Connection, Why your teenage daughter hates you, expects the world, and needs to talk (Harper Collins 2020).
  • Justin not only brings credibility and experience, he is at the coalface of family life. He and his wife Kylie are the parents of six daughters.
  • When he is not spending time with his family, he can be found doing TV and radio appearances as well travelling around the country delivering talks and workshops at businesses improve professional relationships.

Topics for Dr Justin Coulson

  • Happier
    Wellbeing solutions for greater focus and fulfilment at work

    The importance of wellbeing in the workplace is no longer in question. Anxiety and depression continue to rise. Suicide remains too high on "cause of death" for our society - particularly for men. Yet we have volumes of research showing simple and powerful ways to increase the wellbeing of our teams, and to boost the positivity in our culture.

    Hundreds of studies emphasise that staff need to be psychologically well to be productive and thrive. Hundreds more reports reveal the growing incidence and potentially life shattering impact of mental health issues. The question now is “how?”:
    • How do we create an environment in which our staff can flourish?
    • How do we take concepts such as “resilience” and “positive psychology” beyond theory and fad to help our staff thrive at work?
    • How do we find out what’s actually working in real workplaces so we’re not rehashing tired old programs that don’t work anymore?
    • And just as important:
      • How do we inspire and engage staff who are tired of “the next big thing” in workplace programs like "sleep pods" and "ping pong tournaments"? Too often staff start with tremendous enthusiasm, but so many “hope” programs, (where “we hope this works”) can leave them jaded and cynical.

This wellbeing package is designed to address all these issues, and lift your team's positivity to the next level. It provides powerful, immediately applicable strategies that are empirically proven and make an immediate difference.

  • High performance habits
    How to set up systems to achieve the extraordinary

    Do you find that staff often say they’ll do something, but struggle to do what they say they’ll do? Are your staff ’s workplace habits too often unproductive?

    Are your team’s goals clear, but the systems and habits they need to achieve those goals a little foggy?

    High Performance Habits is a deeply interactive presentation created to guide your staff to design the systems they need to follow through, get stuff done, increase productivity and perform at a high level.

    For too long, we’ve focused on goals and then told people to get to work. We’ve attempted to motivate them (or relied on them to motivate themselves), when the systems - or lack thereof - actively work against them.

    After working with Dr Justin Coulson, your team will be clear on what needs to be done, how they’re going to do it, and who they’ll be accountable to.

  • Emotional intelligence
    Why being smart isn’t enough for productivity, success and fulfilment at work

    Emotions matter more than we realise. They impact motivation and productivity, creativity, decision-making, relationships and the performance appraisals we give. They even affect integrity and character.

    Yet emotions are often misunderstood, especially at work. When emotions surface with colleagues - and even clients - they are all-too-often ignored, or worse, shut down.

    Research shows that raising our EQ – our emotional intelligence – can have an instant impact on relationships, behaviours, achievement, results and wellbeing, far beyond anything related to IQ.

    It can also transform staff engagement and productivity – an ongoing and draining issue for every manager.

  • Focus
    Strategies for overcoming distractions and working smarter

    According to Gallup, only 14% of Australian employees are personally invested in their work. The vast majority of staff experience high levels of disengagement, low levels of enthusiasm and admit to doing the bare minimum. The flow on to productivity, turnover, culture and ultimately revenue is enormous.
    • How often do you feel like you work all day but get nothing done - or at least, none of the important stuff?
    • Is email ruling your life... because your life has become email?
    • Are you stuck spinning your wheels but not getting anywhere?
    • Does it feel as though your stress levels are high and your quality of life is low?
    • Are the things that matter most consistently at the mercy of the things that matter least?

What if there were a handful of breathtakingly simple psychological strategies to help you get started, build momentum, and actually get things done?

FOCUS is a fast, practical, science-based presentation designed for the person who needs to get things done but... just can't. Whether it's the fridge, the mattress, Netflix, or more weighty challenges like emotional baggage, an overflowing calendar, or lofty personal expectations, this presentation will help you turn your 'to-do list' into an 'all-done list'.

FOCUS will unlock capacity you didn't know you had. And if you are running a team, teaching a class, or raising a teen, it will unlock capacity they didn't know they had! Using a powerful blend of story, science, and practical real-life experience, this session will inspire you to be more productive, create better habits, and truly focus.

  • Attitude is everything

    Have you ever been to a major event and had front row seats? A sports event, the theatre, a rock concert... maybe your child's school awards assembly! If you have, you know the difference between the front row experience - where everything is magnified and so personal - and the back row experience, where you can barely see what's going on.

    In life, there are front row people. They maximise the moment. They "show up" when they show up. They're invested, and they're positive energisers. Front row people are the ones you want to have on your team. And in life there are also... the back row people. They're the ones who mumble and murmur about the moment. They might be there in body, but they're not there in their hearts.

    They're less likely to be invested, and they tend to be energy vampires. Back row people deplete the team you're trying to inspire.
    And the difference? It's ATTITUDE. Attitude is EVERYTHING. And attitude is a habit.

    Join Dr Justin Coulson as he unpacks the attitude habits of the most excellent team players and leaders in the workplace. Discover how they inspire, uplift, elevate, and give life to the teams and organisations around them. Learn the 6 critical elements of positive energisers, and how attitudes compound into results - for better or worse - in individual lives, families and workplaces.

    A bad attitude is like a flat tyre on a car. You can't go anywhere unless you change it. This presentation gives your staff the knowledge they need to get moving in the right direction.

  • The secret to calm kids and a happy home

    What do you do when your child is losing the plot?

    On a recent coaching call with a desperate mum, her four-year-old crashed into the room and started screaming. She was upset about EVERYthing.

    I listened as Mum tried her best to calm her little one, but things only got worse. I asked the mum to repeat a couple of sentences after me. I spoke. She repeated. Within 20 seconds her four-year- old was sitting happily on her lap, colouring in while that mum and I continued our conversation.

    Within two minutes the little one was outside playing with her big sister.

    It’s not magic. I can show you how. No yelling, no threats, no bribes. Just calm, confident parenting, and a happy home.

  • Something's got to give
    Finding time to breathe in frantic family life

    Parenting experts have all the advice in the world for how to make family life peaceful… but in the real world, we know it’s rarely as simple as they say. Mornings are a mess because we can’t find a school jumper or shoes. Evenings are exhausting because we arrived home late, dinner was from a take-away box, and we don’t have the mental space. And weekends don’t work because we’re playing catchup on the week rather than play catch with the kids.

    Imagine a system that helps you to get the family on the same page so that you really can have magic mornings, easy evenings, and Super Saturdays or Sundays. In “Something’s Got to Give”, hear from father of 6 daughters and parenting expert, Dr Justin Coulson, as he describes the process he and his family have created for their family of 8 to find the time to breathe, even when family life is frantic.

    You’ll learn:
    • How to simplify your schedule and minimise the irritations that stop you doing what matters most with your family.
    • The 3 sure-fire strategies to really make mornings magic – every day of the week. (And yes, the kids will be staying at your house!).
    • The most important elements of every evening that make things easy for everyone (or at least, easier).
    • Strategies for getting the most out of your weekend time together.
    • The simple system for coordinating everything as a family so you’re all on the same page.

Testimonials for Dr Justin Coulson

Dr Justin Coulson was a true professional when speaking at our South East Water event. He presented very well, completely engaging (even via zoom) and kept a great pace to cover all of the topics.   
South East Water

Justin’s topics hit the mark and resonated with the audience. It was a perfect opening to our 3 days together and further lifted the energy in the room amongst our colleagues. 

Dr Justin Coulson is a highly motivating and engaging presenter. The session was so valuable and would highly recommend it to others. I can see how the skills that learned in the session will not only help in the workplace but in my personal life as well. 
Endeavour Energy

The feedback received from the last webinar conducted was overwhelmingly positive, and here are some comments:
“That was great and makes me realise that lightening up and laughing more, is what we all need”
“Thanks! An interesting change of topic”
“Great talk. I loved all the practical examples/ ideas. Many thanks for providing a webinar for families”
“Great content and amazing presentation by Justin”

What I like about Justin is that he gets a feel for the group and then adjusts his presentation to meet their needs. He is engaging from the very first sentence. His topics and responses are practical and down to earth. He has a realistic view of families and people immediately sense his genuineness. 
Catholic Education Office, Bathurst

Dr Justin Coulson presented to both our staff and our school community. He was able to use school specific data and information to tailor a package that will have a positive long term impact on the way that we interact with each other. 
Garran Primary School, Canberra

The way in which Dr Coulson supported our Design Make Create Faire theme of strengthening connections with dads with their kids was inspirational. I am certain that his humorous and practical insights into Love, Laughter and Limits would have had a positive impact on all of the families that were present. What our teachers present shared with me afterwards was the practical implication for the strategies he suggested for families and how they would be applied in the school setting. Truly a gifted, kind and warm human being who is a breath of fresh air, mainly because of his unique ability to connect with every parent and every child. 
Kimberley Park State School, Brisbane