Gabrielle Dolan Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Gabrielle Dolan

  • Gabrielle is the founder of the Jargon Free Fridays global revolution #jargonfreefridays.
  • She has worked extensively with leaders across Australia and on a global scale on the subject of storytelling for business.
  • Has worked with Australia Post, ANZ, NAB, Telstra, Accenture, VISA and International Committee Red Cross.
  • Is the best-selling author of Stories for Work: The Essential Guide to Business Storytelling, Ignite: Real Leadership, Real Talk, Real Results and co-author of Hooked: How Leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling and Eliminate Death by PowerPoint.

Topics for Gabrielle Dolan

  • The Art and Science of Storytelling
    Over the last decade business storytelling has emerged as a powerful communication skill and leadership competency. In this high impact keynote, Gabrielle will provide compelling reasons and insights for why leaders need to embrace storytelling to connect, engage and inspire.

    The audience will experience first hand the power of sharing personal stories to communicate business messages. In addition they will gain valuable insights on what makes a story a story and how to avoid the most common mistakes when sharing stories in business.

  • Authentic Communication
    In an ongoing age of information overload and technical disruption, communicating in a way that is more effective and engaging is need more than ever before.

    In this entertaining and educational keynote, Gabrielle will show leaders how they can ensure their messages are not only understood but remembered. Pointing out the hidden consequences and often hilarious absurdity of using corporate jargon and business speak, Gabrielle will motivate the audience to speak in a way that is more real.

  • Authentic Leadership
    By 2020 Generation Y will be the most dominate generation in the workforce and in some industries that is already the case. They are demanding a different style of leader and will not tolerate outdated leadership styles.

    Based on Gabrielle’s best selling book Ignite: Real leaders, real talk, real results, this compelling keynote will fundamentally challenge the audience’s perception on authentic leadership. By providing real life examples the audience will be motivated to embrace authentic leadership and to communicate in a way that is more genuine.

Testimonials for Gabrielle Dolan

Gabrielle Dolan is an inspirational speaker who draws from her experience as a global thought leader on authentic leadership and business storytelling to connect with and wow audiences across the globe. In front of our international group of more than 1,000 people, she demonstrated an exceptional ability to capture and challenge our audience while delivering some great tips about becoming better leaders and communicators using the art of storytelling. I highly recommend Gabrielle as a keynote speaker for your next event.
PMP Director of Communications
City of New Orleans, Special Projects and Strategic Engagement Office

I could not recommend Gabrielle more highly: this is a tough subject topic - senior leaders can be very suspicious of the benefit of storytelling - but Gabrielle drives home the message elegantly. She has a great connection with the audience whether they be CEO's of businesses or front line team leaders - she passes on years of learning into a very easy to understand chapters. She is very 'low maintenance", needs little or no introduction; the event organisers all commented that it was a pleasure to work with her. Gabrielle is highly entertaining - but her message hits the target and resonates. Not surprisingly she received the highest rating from all 700 delegates - the star of the event.
Group Human Resources Director
Spark New Zealand

Gabrielle is a fabulous thought leader in the areas of leadership, engagement and communication. She is a no nonsense, direct communicator and this enables her to get to the point, cut to the chase and discover what's really going on for her clients.
Founder at Thought Leaders Global

When Gabrielle speaks she practices what she preaches. She owns people's attention through her authenticity, her wit and humour and does it with fantastic verve and style. I have heard her speak many times now and she continues to inspire with her lessons, intention and passion. I wish more speakers were so real and entertaining.
Georgia Murch, Speaker, Author & Mentor

What I love about Gabrielle is that she keeps it real. Sure she's direct, honest and straight, but she also generates real results with her clients.
The Impossible Institute

Gabrielle is an engaging and entertaining speaker who tells it as it is. Her humorous stories perfectly demonstrate the power of storytelling to communicate messages in a way that is both clear and unforgettable. She is a breath of fresh air. She challenges her audiences to think about new ways of communication without relying on corporate jargon and power point. Instead, she provides real and practical solutions for leaders to connect with people.
OD Professional

Gabrielle epitomises the concept of authentic leadership. She has worked alongside our most senior leaders to give them the capability and courage to be their real selves and communicate in a way that truly connects and inspires.
Senior Consultant, Culture & Leadership
National Australia Bank

Gabrielle has provided a timely exploration of what it is to be a leader in today's complex world. She peels back the layers of what it is to be an effective leader and provides a practical guide to her readers as to how we can better connect, communicate and engage as leaders.
Chief Executive
The Prince's Charities Australia

Gabrielle Dolan provides brilliant hands-on advice for achieving success in any of the various roles you play, and models that advice in the writing of the book itself: it is a full dose of her authenticity, vulnerability, and energy. She makes it real to help us make ourselves more real.
Co-Founder and Principal
Cambridge Leadership Associates