Jim Cathcart Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event
Key Points for Jim Cathcart
- Author of 18 books including international bestsellers, The Acorn Principle and Relationship Selling
- TEDx speaker: Top 1% with over 1,070,000 views
- Recipient of Golden Gavel Award and The Cavett Award & Past President: National Speakers Association (US)
- Inducted in 2008 as one of the "Legends of the Speaking Profession"
Topics for Jim Cathcart
- Relationship Selling - Turning Contacts into Assets
- Change the way people think about selling
- Teach them specific techniques in order to generate more sales with less resistance
- Build their confidence and give them a clear direction for action
- Presentation Skills Training - Confident, World-Class Communication
- Collaborate with you to design enterprise solutions for your communication skills needs
- Large or small groups can be trained directly by Jim Cathcart in workshops and seminars
- Private personal coaching tailored exactly to the needs of each individual
- The Acorn Principle - Helping People Grow
- Generate initiative and build self-reliance
- Show people how to grow themselves and their businesses by learning to find the natural strengths in situations and people
- Empower them to help people grow
- UpServing - The Simple Solution for Building Lifetime Loyalty
- Change the way people look at their customers, their business and what they are paid to do
- Get everyone to understand the importance of standards and systems in creating customer satisfaction
- Get them to recognize the profit potential and fun that exists in exceptional service
Testimonials for Jim Cathcart
Jim Cathcart’s coaching is designed to generate results. He has a no non-sense approach. He’s an expert in the field of human behavior and understands how to stimulate action. His coaching identifies areas that need attention and a means to reach the point of successful conclusion. It’s as simple as that, direct and to the point, with clarity and well-defined objectives.
Matt Forger
Owner, Matt Forger Productions and Music Specialist
Having had the opportunity to work with many of the world's leading authors and subject matter experts over the past decade, I can truly say that Jim Cathcart is one of the most genuine, most inspiring, and most helpful people I have had the privilege and benefit of being associated with. We receive such incredible feedback about Jim's content on our site and I am so honored and proud to work with him, and more importantly know that I will continue to learn and grow because of him.
Michael Norton
Executive Vice President Global Accounts Sandler Systems
Jim is one of the video faculty at Crestcom and is featured in our June Bullet Proof Manager session "Increasing productivity through motivated people". Jim is a highly motivating presenter himself and his segments on the four modes of performance are always rated extremely highly by participants. Sample him on YouTube!
Jamie Lord, FinstLM Institute of Leadership & Management
Crestcom® Sales Academy, BulletProof® Manager Licensee
I strongly recommend Jim Cathcart as a speaker of excellence. I know his work for his participation at Crestcom program "The Bullet Proof Manager" and his ideas and strategies certainly will help your business perform at its highest level.
Carlos Ramos
Jim Cathcart is a cutting-edge expert in the areas of human dynamics and business relationships. He is a leading speaker, author and TV personality that has worked and helped thousands. Couple of great books written by Jim are: The Acorn Principle and Relationship Selling.
Thank you Jim for sharing your expertise with our clients through the Bullet Proof Manger program!
Nalish Ladha
Successful Leadership Inc. - Leadership & Management Training, Business Coach, Life Coach, Facilitator
Jim Cathcart was instrumental in the development of my consulting business. His prolific insights helped me identify key elements in my planning. Jim has a keen strategic approach that cannot outmatch any other coach. If you are on the rise, but still need a wise surprise, Jim Cathcart is far from one of the guys!! Get him on your team.
Daniel Ally
The Master of Personal Development, CEO of The Ally Way International, and Author of 2 Award-Winning Books
Jim Cathcart is the speaker and author that I most look up and admire. He is gracious, thought provoking, and highly engaging. He truly cares about his clients’ success - a true treasure. If you are considering working with him, do it.
Dean Lindsay
America's PROGRESS Agent, Author, Speaker, Videos Below, Sales Coach, Publisher - World Gumbo Pub, LION
Jim is a speaking professional in every sense of the term. I had the privilege of spending time with him when the Houston Chapter of the National Speakers Association invited Jim to present to our group. From the time I picked him up at the airport, he seemed on a mission to both connect with those he met, stoking the fire of success in each one of us. Without reservation, I endorse Jim Cathcart as a professional who will deliver when called upon. I am proud to consider him a colleague in this great business of helping others succeed!
Scott Cooksey
Leadership Development Consultant, Trainer, Speaker, Author
Jim is a speaking professional in every sense of the term. I had the privilege of spending time with him when the Houston Chapter of the National Speakers Association invited Jim to present to our group. From the time I picked him up at the airport, he seemed on a mission to both connect with those he met, stoking the fire of success in each one of us. Without reservation, I endorse Jim Cathcart as a professional who will deliver when called upon. I am proud to consider him a colleague in this great business of helping others succeed!
Ed Rigsbee, CAE, CSP
Association Executive, Keynote Speaker & Author "The ROI of Membership - Today's Missing Link for Explosive Growth"
I've retained Jim on several occasions as he is very creative, highly competent, absolutely delightful to be around and the best in his business! I would definitely recommend him without reservations. His deep experience and knowledge is built on many years of assisting others accomplish their goals. You can't go wrong with Jim Cathcart on your team!!!
Ritch K. Eich
Principal at Eich Associated
Whenever I am stuck in my career, the first question I ask myself is, what would Jim say? I have a little Jim sitting on my shoulders, guiding me through the rough patches. Jim has helped me pin down the real issues, develop a plan of attack and give me the confidence to move forward aggressively. He is the master!
Helen Berman
Helen Berman Insurance Agency
Jim Cathcart is one of the finest speakers I have had the pleasure of knowing. He is the ONLY speaker I have recommended to replace me when during two family emergencies. His clients get a big bang for their buck as he can also sing and act as his own opening entertainment! Any association or corporation would not go wrong hiring Jim Cathcart for their meeting.
Patricia Fripp
President at Fripp Virtual Training
Jim Cathcart is the REAL DEAL! Whether onstage or backstage, he's the same, genuine, class act ALL of the time. He's a stellar presenter with valuable insights for business...and for life!
LaDonna Gatlin
Hall of Fame Speaker, Motivation Expert, Author, Singer/Songwriter
Jim Cathcart is one of the most impressive people I've had the opportunity to work wtih. I assisted him at one of his superb presentations and it changed my life. Sounds like hype, but it's true. Among other things, our new friendship resulted in sharing authorship of a business book published by McGraw-Hill. Jim is able to craft a presentation so that, in addition to being entertaining and highly educational, it comes together with eloquent structure. All the elements of the talk are so well integrated that, at the end, the audience is often stunned by Jim's excellence on the platform. Most important, Jim is so generous with his talents and skills that anyone in his circle is destined to enjoy becoming more like him--expansive, transformative and fully life-loving.
David Ryback
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Consultant - Emotional Intelligence, Executive Coaching, Leadership
Jim Cathcart is first and foremost a wonderful person. As an author, his content provides great value to his readers. His presentations are warm and sincere, information and inspiring and, best of all, enjoyable.
Tom Hopkins
Arizona-based Sales Trainer, Speaker, Expert - Offering sales training that gets results
Where do I start with my friend, Jim?! He significantly enhanced my sales career as I became a student of "Relationship Selling", many years ago. I later got to know Jim well as we brought him in to address our membership. His Realtionship Intelligence material hit home with me once again. I will always be a lifelong learner waiting for his next release! "It's not what you know, or who you know, but who knows you!"
Scott Hutson
Helping organizations utilize sales and negotiation training to grow both their top and bottom lines
I purchased Jim's DVD Relationship Selling. It is great. Jim taught me about the importance of Relationship Selling. His ideas have greatly improved both my personal and professional life. His story about his years as a Field Representative for GMAC really helped me in my last sales position. Jim's techniques helped me to collect on overdue bills from clients. As a result, I had the lowest amount of receivables in my company, allowing me to pocket my commissions on closed Sales while at the same time keeping my relationships with my customers intact. Jim has made my life a lot easier. Jim I thank you for all of your help. If you are serious about the field of Sales and relationship building, I suggest you hire Jim.
Dan Galante
Sales, Marketing & Social Media Writer/Blogger. Open to Acting/Modeling in TV, Print Ads & Runway projects
Over the years, I have hired many speakers, sales trainers, authors and motivational experts . . . and I am talking about some of the best in the business. However, after hiring Jim Cathcart for a speaking engagement at a seminar in Chicago in the spring of 1979 he became a frequent guest speaker at other seminars and conventions across the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean. I have seen long-term results from his inspirational and educational messages far beyond what I have witnessed from any of the others over the years. Jim indeed practices what he preaches. If you're looking for a man capable of teaching and entertaining your group there is, in my opinion, none better. PERIOD.
Gary Goranson
Coach and Creator of http://www.HouseCleaningBiz101.com
Have encountered very few people who have the extraordinary ability, to the degree that Jim does,--- to build immediate rapport and genuinely cause others to feel Terrific about of themselves! Jim we have gained so much by reading your books and listening to you speak! -- You are such a Life-Enhancer !–Both through your message and the standard of excellence you set for yourself and others!
Phil R. Taylor
Host of Syndicated Radio Program & Napoleon Hill Foundation's 17 Principles of Success, Produced by Nightingale Conant
Jim is one of the most dynamic speakers I have ever met. But beyond his presentations he is one of the most dynamic practitioners of self improvement and life long learning I have met. He is a hard worker and likes to roll up his sleeves and get to work. Association with Jim has made me a better person both professionally and personally. I would recommend to everyone that they try to develop a relationship with Jim.
Jake Randall
Managing Partner at Taxbot
In my years as an active member of the National Speakers Association, I have had the honor and privilege of being in the audience, listening to Jim Cathcart speak many times. He is the epitome of what a speaker represents; Strong content, masterful presentation, and a voice to die for. I enthusiastically recommend Jim and his programs.
Joni Wilson
Voice Coach, Author, Creator of the 3-Dimensional Voice Training System
Jim is a true visionary and intellectual powerhouse. His creativity coupled with his inginuity, intuition, and fortitude allows for a tremendously enjoyable experience coupled with incredible value. Mr Cathcarts' books have been a priceless tool for myself as well as my staff. Jim truly is a professional gem, and I consider myself blessed, and more successful because of his influence in my business.
Felice Dunas Ph.D.
Executive Coach & Speaker
We've booked Jim for numerous events he always receives rave reviews from clients. Jim is one of my favorite speakers to recommend since I always know it's going to be a fun, outstanding experience. One of the best speakers I have worked with since I first started my bureau in 1994.
Michael Frick
Founder & Owner, Speaking.com Speakers Bureau
Jim Cathcart is an inspiring speaker and a fabulous speech coach. He encouraged me to add personal stories to my speeches and helped me craft them so they connect to what's important to the audience. Jim is generous with his time and ideas, sharing insights from his long and successful speaking career that will help me take my speaking to the next level.
Gilda Bonanno
Keynote Speaker, Presentation Skills Coach, Communication Skills Trainer www.gildabonanno.com
Jim is the consummate professional. He is responsive, creative, ethical, and possesses a wealth of business expertise. I’ve been fortunate to call on him for advice, or a simple sounding board for ideas, on many occasions. I had the opportunity to invite him to speak at the NSA-AZ chapter and from the time he accepted the invitation, to meeting PR deadlines, to his spot-on and inspiring keynote, Jim was fantastic to work with.
Stephanie Angelo, SPHR
Founder & Principal Consultant, Human Resource Essential, LLC
Jim is an awesome speaker, business man and friend. The word "professional" really describes Jim in everything that he does. A life-long learner, he is progressive and really stays on top of changes in psychological research and in the marketplace. He has always inspired me to stretch and grow just like the seed in The Acorn Principle. I am blessed to have him in my life!
Carolyn Brown
Your Virtual Accounting Office
Jim has been a guest on my radio show "The Mental Floss Network" much to the delight of my listeners! He gave my listeners tools they could use in a fun and powerful way. Jim has a complete understanding of how to bring world class content and deliver that content where it is clear that it is the student that is the top priority....that makes Jim one of those rare people that wins because his focus is on helping others win first! Thanks for making a difference Jim! (by the way....you should buy his books....they will help you win...)
Andy Sherman
Owner at Real Estate Investor
Jim Cathcart is an incredible motivator as a coach, mentor and friend. His knowledge and experience in the professional speaking and coaching industry is rarely matched. His accomplishments speak for themselves, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work along side such an outstanding individual. He taught me many things, and has continued to encourage me through his blogging, email newsletters and informative website. He has always remained available for direct communications even when he is traveling half-way around the world!
Amber Sims Hinterplattner
Brand Strategist, Founder/CEO of All Stages Marketing, creative marketing & PR agency in Santa Barbara, CA
I have known jim for over 20 years. I have watched him succeed at many things at that time. always making his mark and providing a valuable contribution where ever he was. An accomplished speaker and moitivator Jim has the ideas and the presentation skills necessary to make a real difference for any audience.
Gerry Faust
President, Faust Management Corp.
I've had the great pleasure of working with Jim on community, non-profit boards where I've witnessed first-hand his dedication to the cause and his incredible ability to lead and organize people. He is a first-class speaker, businessman and, perhaps most importantly, a wonderful human being who enriches the lives of those around him.
Mike Schneider
President, MAS Associates, Inc.
Jim is one of the most intuitive sales trainers I've had the pleasure of reading/watching. His approach to selling demands results and is a breath of fresh air. If you have salespeople... get them familiar with Jim Cathcart!
Jason VanderPal
Director of Discipleship, Real Life Church
Jim Cathcart is one of the top business and motivational speakers I have ever seen. He is brilliant, funny and his depth of knowledge and experience is amazing. He has a way of making his brilliance accessible to everyone. His style is genuine and sincere. It's no wonder so many top associations and corporations turn to Jim for leadership.
Doug Stevenson, Storytelling Coach
Sales and Leadership Development Trainer Specializing in Storytelling
In a world that drives us down towards a lowest common denominator weall need all the help we can get in manifesting the best in ourselves. Jim is a brilliant coach, speaker, and trainer. He helps awaken our vast and unused resources of intelligence. He guides his clients in a discovery and understanding of the boundless potential. Jim has a life long track record of success that helps others tackle their challenges with his keen observations. Jim is the embodiement of the intellectual capital that leads clients through a rapidly changing environment.
James D. Feldman, CITE, CPIM, CPT, MIP
The Bright Idea Guy™…challenging Business As Usual, Keynote Speaker, Innovation Expert, Author
There are rare meetings in our lives, when we meet someone very special. When Jim and I met, I knew firstly that he had uniquely effective qualities that would take him to the peak of his profession, and secondly, I learned enough travelling with him across the our nation for several days, that I wanted to watch his very special qualities unfold, and at the same time make him a lifelong friend. Jim Cathcart is a remarkable man which you will discover when you meet him.
Ian Brown
Director of Agent Development for Homelife Atlantic Real Estate Inc.
Jim Cathcart is one of the sharpest and best-grounded speakers and consultants that I know. He has a special knack for helping others figure out how to succeed when they are facing challenges and uncertainty. His coining of "The Acorn Principle" is a landmark concept in the field of business and personal development.
George Morrisey
Fully Retired at Home
Jim, is a seasoned sales and business psychology expert. More than that, he carries a special gift. His oratory, story telling and business wisdom often captivates an entire audience. I watch them watch, write and listen while he speaks. Beyond motivation is inspiration and Jim continues to inspire..and educate his audiences....as he has me.
Art Hobba
Talent Strategist, Leadership Author-Expert, Assessment and Performance Elevation
If you want to watch a real life model of how a successful person should look like, then closely watch Jim Cathcart. His achievements, wisdom and knowledge position him to be one of the world's true success legends. Learn as much as you can from Jim, and I promise that you'll soon become the successful person you deserve to be.
Mohamed Tohami
Egypt's #1 Motivation Expert, Bestselling Author, Motivational Keynote Speaker
Jim is the consummate professional. He has the ability to make presenting look natural, when in fact he has an amazing skill in speaking and connecting with people. However, what I enjoy about Jim is his mind. He is a deep thinker and has a studious mind. I recommend his work to anyone and if nothing else, he is worth getting to know.
Paul Bridle
CEO of Bridle Group, Leadership Methodologist and Business Advisor for clients internationally
I've been familiar with Jim's material for years and had the opportunity to meet him face to face at the Training 2002 conference in Atlanta. Since that time, I have had the opportunity to work with him on several projects. I find Jim to be brilliant, caring and passionate in his desire to help people realize their potential.
Phil Peretz
Sales, Marketing and Promotion
I had the privilege of coaching Jim and his staff for two years, during which time Jim was reinventing himself. What I know about Jim now after several years have passed is that Jim is ALWAYS reinventing himself! His freshness is intentional. He is at the cutting edge of thought because he is unafraid of change and he invites feedback. Jim is a consummate learner. As I write this recommendation Jim is advancing the frontier of relationship intelligence. Now THAT is smart! I am proud to have him as a friend, and richer for having him in my life.
Pamela Stambaugh
Executive Advisor for Team Building, Succession Planning, Talent Retention, High Potentials, Assessing for New Hires
Jim is an incredibly talented and successful professional speaker and author who motivates, inspires and educates. His books, lectures and Acorn E-Mail are simply the best.
Richard "Tag" Hoefflin
Attorney at Law with Hoefflin Burrows, ALC
Jim was terrific as the keynote speaker to launch our customer service program. He got what we were trying to do right away, and integrated our unique corporate attributes into his presentation in a very endearing way. Made great contact with audience, and continues to be available informally. Great all aroung guy!
Jules Fried
Principal, JM Fried & Co.
I have worked with hundreds of sales experts, authors and speakers during the past 26 years and have never come across someone like Jim Cathcart. When he speaks, you can hear a pin drop in the room. Why? Because his message comes from a rare universe that's filled with compelling stories, powerful analogies and infinite wisdom. But that's not all. Jim truly enjoys his time on earth to the fullest, he's developed his abilities to the fullest and he's one of the special few who can claim to live a life that's meaningful and fulfilling. He's risen to the highest level of his profession and today he doesn't care what the world thinks of him. What he cares most about is what he can give back to the world. It is a rare privilege to work with Jim. I recommend that you get to know Jim, and if you don't believe that Jim is everything I said he is, I will introduce you to two knockout Vegas showgirls.
Gerhard Gschwandtner
Founder of Selling Power University
Jim Cathcart has always been at the top of my list of most admired people. He has the best grasp on how relationships equal business and personal success. He is a great speaker/trainer/consultant and author of “How to Create & Grow High-Value Relationships.” And not to be one to be left behind in the technology dust, he is an active blogger as well as a heck of singer and guitar player.
Pam Lontos
Pam Lontos Consulting
Jim is one of the most polished, dedicated and continually improving speakers in the entire business. His presentations not only deliver a WOW message but do it with the highest level flair possible. A true professional, an asset to any event, meeting or program.
Wendy Keller
Literary Agent - Nonfiction Only www.KellerMedia.com/query/
Jim Cathcart is one of my personal heroes in the world of professional speakers. His energy, enthusiasm, high-ethic and state-of-the-art presentation skills are legendary amongst those of us who are truly professional speakers. If you're considering doing business with Cathcart, stop procrastinating and write the check already.
Jim Ziegler, CSP, HSG-5000+
President, Ziegler corporations, - ZieglerSS@aol.com
Jim Cathcart is one of the finest platform presenters in the world. His unique insights on performance helps individuals and organizations grow. I've been studying his books for over 20 years, and each one has had a positive impact on my life. If you want to see the world through the eyes of a brilliant thinker, study Jim Cathcart.
Steve Siebold
Professional Speaker/Author on Mental Toughness Training for Fortune 500 Sales Teams
Jim is a creative thinker, articulate communicator and disciplined/accomplished developer of material that changes the lives of those who are in his audiences. Values, ethics, world view and compassion for others complete an unbeatable package in any endeavor.
Naomi Rhode, CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame
Professional Speaker, CoFounder, SmartHealth
Jim is one of those extraordinary people who is just a gift to humanity. His intelect is enormous, but his heart is even bigger. He is one of the best public speakers on the planet, and the message in his book, "The Acorn Principle," is of profound value to anyone who embraces it. I recommend Jim without reservation, and would JUMP at the opportunity to work with him again.
Orvel Ray Wilson, CSP
Increasing Sales and Profits with Unconventional Weapons and Tactics, Author, Guerrilla Sales and Marketing
Where to begin about Jim? Let's start at the top and go UP! Professional and warm; Intelligent and practical; has it together and knows where he put it; accomplished and energetic. Keep going? Sure! Mentor and generous; dynamic and clear; coach, trainer, writer, compelling speaker with lots to say and the experience and intelligence to say it beautifully. It is with joy that I recommend Jim Cathcart to you!
Brad Johnson
Pastor, California Community Church
Jim is one of the best thinkers I know. And he's one of those rare individuals that can take those thoughts and turn them into beautiful words. He's a gifted speaker. As President of the National Speakers Association in 2004-2005, Jim was my go to guy when I needed help thinking through an issue.
Scott Friedman, CSP
President at TWCCTW.org
I recently saw Jim speak at an NSA event in Tampa and found his session very insighful and practical. It greatly helped my business.
In addition I was most impressed by his kindness and personal attention he provided to each of the attendees - he is truly a class act!
Steve Gavatorta
President, Steve Gavatorta Group: Speaking/Training/Coaching/ Author of Reach Out Approach
A few years ago, I had the privilege of collaborating with Jim on a worldwide Microsoft webinar. What a treat! His learning points from "The Acorn Principle" perfectly aligned with my messages to technology professionals and business owners. Jim's approachable style, coupled with his casual sense of humor, makes everyone stand up and listen. He was also easy to work with during the planning of the event. We had over 200 participants give us a "virtual" ovation. Be sure to contact Jim if you want to energize your teams and see better results in your organization. Jim Cathcart has one of the sharpest business minds of our generation. Unlike many "motivational" speakers, Jim truly understands business, leadership, selling and applied psychology. If you are looking to hire a gifted speaker or and effective consultant, I could not over-recommend Mr. Cathcart.
Scott Zimmerman
President, The Cyrano Group
Quite simply, there is no one better as a speaker, coach or consultant than Jim Cathcart. Period. His insights are so profound, they often take time for the listener to comprehend the depth of their content. His uniqueness is the result of both his personal gifts and his professional commitment. Very seldom do I recommend someone without reservation -- as Vice Chairman of a company that owns nineteen businesses, I take this very seriously. However, that is EXACTLY the endorsement I would give Jim Cathcart. Hands down...without reservation...he's someone who makes a profound and positive difference...and would do so for you and your organization.
Scott McKain
Founder and CEO at Distinction Institute
Jim Cathcart is an amazing person; a professional who is intelligent, compassionate, and perceptive. Jim's ability to think, analyze and figure out solutions is outstanding. He is by nature a practical visionary, who has his feet on the ground, and his heart in the future.
Peter M. Skaife
Shamanic Guide, Shamanic Educator
My first connection with Jim Cathcart came in 1997 when I had the fortunate opportunity to interview him for a television series called "Inside the Global Mall." Of the dozens of industry leaders who appeared on that show, Jim was - far and away - the finest. His understanding of the human psyche gives him an edge that few others can claim. The essence of his "Relationship Selling" is now legendary. Jim's a captivating speaker, an outstanding leader, and an exceptional professional. Plus - he's a genuinely nice guy. If more people knew Jim... and understood what he understands... we'd all be better off.
Patrick Grady
Chief Engagement Officer at Audience411
Jim Cathcart has been a colleague for at least 30 years, and a close friend for over 40 years. As a speaker/trainer/coach/partner, he has long since reached the level of role model for practically everyone in our line of work. Perhaps more importantly, he is still the same loyal friend he was when we were both bewildered freshmen in college.
Dan Clanton
Singer-Songwriter at large
I've known and worked with Jim Cathcart for over 20 years. He is a wonderful colleague and friend. His energy, enthusiasm and zest for life is contagious. Without reservation I recommend Jim as a speaker, writer, leader, coach and friend. He's a stand up kind of guy you need on your team.
Captain Charles Plumb
Worldwide Motivational Speaker, Opening, Closing, Keynote, Seminars, Overcoming Adversity, Vietnam POW
Jim Cathcart is a leader, coach and friend...someone who walks the walk in his personal and professional advice. When I need advice on a serious subject, Jim is someone I can turn to for an answer. Not only is he an astute businessman, but he also knows the value of personal relationships and integrity. Bottom line - Jim is someone you can trust to get the job done right.
Rob "Waldo" Waldman
Hall of Fame Speaker, CSP, MBA, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author
I love old Jim. I brought him to South Australia in '88 to speak at a public seminar and he was a great hit. More than that he is a great bloke. I wish he lived down the road so we could be closer mates. The families have caught up for dinner, I've been to his home, we've shared trade secrets. He's the real deal. He's wise. He's cool. He's steady. He's OK.
Colin Pearce
StoryTeller, Motivational Speaker, Humorist, Writer, Video Production, Inducted into the Aus.Speakers Hall of Fame 2007
Jim is reliable, professional and delivers to CEO's, my clients, with excellent insights and connection to their concerns.
David Rohlander
Leadership, Communication & Financial Guidance from Best-Selling Author The CEO Code & Idiot's Guides: Management Skills
Jim has been an inspiration to me as I have been growing my training and speaking business. He doesn't just "talk the talk," he really "walks the walk." Well, "runs the run" is more like it. Jim is continually carving out new ground in his business. By watching what he does, I get new ideas on increasing my value to my customers. No one could ever "catch up" to Jim, as he doesn't stand still. My interactions with Jim always leave me feeling inspired and ready to charge ahead.
David Markovitz
President, GMP Training Systems, Inc.
Jim is a cutting-edge thinker and business person and has been for decades. He is a proven leader and I recommend him highly!
Chris Widener
Leading a New Generation of Personal Development and Leadership Experts | NY Times & WSJ Best-Selling Author & Speaker
I've been learning from Jim Cathcart for a couple of decades now. I know him as an author, a speaker, a colleague and a sage advisor. Jim understands that learning is a natural human activity and in many ways and media, he finds ways to bring together important information and an understanding of the human condition and put it in a helpful package seasoned with a good story or two. He is simply one of the best there is in his business.
Wally Bock
Owner/Writer at Business Writer/Ghostwriter
Jim has the great ability to conceptualize what needs to get done and present it in a format that gets others committed to taking the initiative to execute the tasks necessary. His style is approachable and engaging. He is a steward leader that realizes it takes a community to effectively transform a business. He is one who knows how to bring that community together by purposing them in the call to action and sustain a culture of change that makes leadership companies.
Thomas Winninger
Founder, Winninger Speaking
Jim Cathcart is the Gold Standard in the speaking and professional self development industry today. As an industry leader, speaker, mentor and coach he is the finest in the business. I have had the great pleasure of experiencing him as a speaker, a workshop leader, author and colleague and I turn to him when I want the very best mentoring and coaching for my business.
Dianne Legro
Facilitator, Trainer, Communication Skills, Inspiration,Innovation, Leadership and the Arts Presenter and Consultant
Jim Cathcart is THE consummate professional. If you're looking for a keynote speaker, leadership trainer or life coach, you can't do any better than Jim. His knowledge, experience, wisdom, values and ethics are unsurpassed.
Dr. Tony Alessandra
Public Speaking , 5,000+ connections, DISC, Motivators, & 360° Online Assessments, Customer Loyalty, Platinum Rule
Jim is extraordinary when it comes to delivering best for his clients and business partners. I came across few good speakers and their web seminars however; Jim’s web seminar was outstanding and brilliant. I’m honored for the opportunity to work with such a great speaker.
Ajay George
Sr Program Manager at True Influence
Jim Cathcart is a breed apart when it comes to speaking. Jim is one of the most popular faculty members on MasteryTV because his message is relevant, thought-provoking and delivered in a way that gets people to listen. Personally he's one of my top 5 favorite speakers in the world -- and I've heard over 2000 speakers in my 20 years in the industry.
Tom Wood
Founder, MasteryTV.com
I have known Jim for overf 20 years. I book Jim on TV and radio and he is an amazing interview. I have seen Jim speak and he is incredible on stage. The audience listens to every word and goes wild. Jim has taught me how to be a better speaker.
Check him out...you will be glad you did!
Rick Frishman
Publisher, PR Maven Author101University
In my most important decisions, Jim is a key coach for me. He is a trusted friend and frequently called on advisor in my personal and business decisions. His judgement and view are remarkably well grounded. Recommend without reservation.
Ty Boyd
Owner of Ty Boyd, Inc.
Jim, I can not believe the amount of time, energy and dedication you put into our work together. How do you have time for other client when you give so much to each client? If I had you at my side every day for a decade, I would still be learning the lessons of the Acorn Principle. You really are the king of Relationships!!!
Maurice Ramirez
Disabled/Retired Physician & Consultant
What makes Jim Cathcart different from any of the thousands of professional speakers and business authors in the marketplace today? The answer, for me, comes down to three things:
(1) Jim is an original and deep thinker. Jim raises questions, provides insights, and challenges you to grow beyond the obvious to make you and your business truly distinctive.
(2) Jim is the consumate professional. He has every award and certification available in the speaking profession. Now there are lots of people with awards and certifications, but Jim is that rare professional who continues to do all of the little things that earned him all the awards in the first place.
(3) Jim has the ability to effectively operate at the strategic and tactical levels. There are those who do a great job at the strategic questions of what and why, but can't help you implement. And, there are those who can help you with skills, but have no clue if the competencies are being applied in the proper context to achieve a strategic goal. Jim is unique in his ability to do both, and that makes him a valuable resource for you and your organization.
Randy Pennington
Resource for Leaders who Expect Results & Author of Make Change Work
Jim is a real giver. He is one of the best speakers in the industry and he doesn’t hesitate to share what he knows with the younger guys who are just coming into the business. I have gotten great insight from Jim and really appreciate his frankness and support. Plus, Jim is a really nice guy!
Joel Block
Real Estate Hedge Fund Manager; Expert Witness; Speaker, Best-Selling Author; Crowdfunding Professional, 24,700+
Jim Cathcart is an amazing man...and rare. He lives, teaches and mentors in alignment with his values and philosophy, generously sharing his journey, his expertise and experience. Every person I know who knows Jim speaks highly of his integrity as a colleague, speaker, consultant and businessman. I certainly echo their message!
Rhoberta Shaler, PhD
The Relationship Help Doctor: Solutions to Enhance Communication, Conflict Management & Collaboration
Jim is just outstanding. I know of few better speakers or authors. And what is so impressive about Jim's work both on the stage and off is the depth and breadth of his knowledge on different management and leadership concepts. No one who works with him is ever disappointed.
Bert Decker
Author, speaker, entrepreneur and Chairman/Founder of Decker Communications, Inc.
Even sales trainers like myself have our own favorite authors and speakers whose audios and writings we refer to for inspiration and ideas. Jim is one of the top few whom I respect and admire and go to for his concentrated knowledge and and insight. As a professional speaker I recommend to anyone, who desires to master this profession, to make Jim your mentor if you want to get there fast. You couldn't meet a more personalble gentleman either. Anyone that utilizes his services or reads Relationship Selling or The Acorn Principle will discover superior satisfaction and find themselves achieving more than they had expected.
Rod LeGrande
President at Excellence Quest
Jim is one of the best speakers on our planet and is a man for whom I have the higest regard.
Ian Berry CSP FAIM
Maverick thinking - changing what's normal - better business results, The Mentor's Mentor
I was on a committee that engaged Jim to speak at a national conference hosted by the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA). I had wanted to hear Jim speak for a long time as I had heard such great things, so I recommended that we bring him to our next conference. Jim did not fail to impress. He received glowing remarks both during and after the conference. If you are looking to hire someone to speak about building relationships that lead to sales - Jim is your man. Thanks for a great presentation!
Jeff Burg
Divisional Vice President, Variable Annuity Wholesaler at AIG
Jim Cathcart is the consummate professional speaker, and a valued colleague as past presidents of the National Speakers Association. I am always inspired when I spend time with Jim, and I'm honored to call him a friend.
Stephen Tweed
CEO, Leading Home Care ... a Tweed Jeffries company
Your work with Tony Alessandra is a masterpiece. In my 50+ years of business and professional relationships, no other teaching has been so phenomenal (reducing the complex to the simple & practical) as the work you and Tony collaborated on to the understanding of styles and the strategies of relationships. I recently read in The Nature of Success by Mac Anderson about you starting the "road to success" from your job at the Housing Authority in Little Rock AR and the fact that you credited Earl Nightingale's recordings as one of the influences which guided you. Many of us can credit Jim Cathcart for showing us the direction to personal improvement and effectiveness.
Gary Duke
Available to work...
Jim Cathcart is a big thinker, a great speaker and a true business visionary. He spots market trends before others even know things are changing, and can deliver solid, meaningful content to any group - as a consultant, advisor, board member or speaker. I highly recomment Jim Cathcart.
Wendy Keller
Literary Agent - Nonfiction Only www.KellerMedia.com/query/