Khoa Do Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Khoa Do

  • Khoa Do was awarded the Young Australian of the Year in 2005, the first time a film-maker has been awarded the accolade.
  • Khoa’s journey, from arriving in Australia as a refugee on a tiny fishing boat to becoming the 2005’s Young Australian of the Year, is a journey of courage, resilience and hope despite all opposition.
  • In August 2013, Khoa was appointed to the board of the Australia Council, the most influential arts board in Australia.

Topics for Khoa Do

  • Finding and harnessing your talent 
  • Working as a team amidst incredible opposition 
  • Your obstacles are your greatest opportunities 
  • Tapping into your creativity 
  • Following your heart

Testimonials for Khoa Do

I wanted to wait to send this review until after we had our Board meeting this morning. We all agreed that Khoa was one of the best speakers we have ever had present at our Chamber meeting. He was motivational, inspirational, emotional and yet consistently balanced the presentation with just the right amount of humor to lift the room. He was engaging and captivating. What a story!  He exceeded all our expectations and I am extremely grateful. Such a lovely genuine man.
Campbelltown Chamber of Commerce

Khoa was really engaging and gave very practical advice on how to handle life challenges. He has had an amazing journey and the feedback from the group is that giving back to those less fortunate is amazing. The other thing that stuck with the audience is "work with what you've got" and "focus on what you have rather than what you don't have."
Shelley Flett Pty. Ltd.

Dear Khoa, Thank you for attending the Calvary St Luke’s and St Vincent’s Hospitals Medical Association AGM dinner yesterday evening.
We all enjoyed hearing your story and your amazing achievements. Your family’s experiences of your journey to Australia struck an emotional chord within us all and we appreciated you sharing with us on such a personal level. We look forward to seeing your new films and wish you continued success for the future. Kind regards,
Calvary St Vincents Hospital, Launceston

Khoa was absolutely amazing speaker. Engaged, vibrant, funny and got his message across.  He also got involved in the group activity after his keynote session which everyone loved.  So nice to have a speaker stay around and not just take off as soon as they have finished
Imagine Experiences

Khoa is an extremely reliable guest speaker. He sent us 4 copies of his movie, so we could show it prior to the presentation. He also agreed to the suggestions of the second session. Nothing was a problem for him. His two sessions were engaging and well prepared
Saint Francis Xavier College

Khoa makes me laugh and cry - at the same time. He is an exceptional young Australian and an inspirational public speaker who captures the imagination of a broad spectrum of Australians. I have seen a room of business leaders give him a standing ovation and I have seen him interview the Governor-General. I have also seen him inspiring young Australians to be all that they can.
National Australia Day Council

Khoa Do is an inspirational speaker. He is a story-teller; he talks about his journey with honesty, integrity and humour. He has the great capacity of touching the audience's heart, giving a great Australian message and leaving you reflecting on his words for many days after the presentation. As a speaker, he's about as good as they come!
Australia Day Council of New South Wales

Khoa's presentation was outstanding and so real. Put's life into real perspective.

Khoa was a great inspiration to all who attended our meeting.  Everyone very much enjoyed his encouraging and spirit filled story and were both impressed and excited to have had Khoa at our meeting.  We feel privileged to have met such a humble young man who puts alot of faith back into the future of our youth.
Colgate Palmolive

He moved us alternately to laughter and tears and his spirit of generosity and caring served as an inspiration to his audience.  Given that this was his own life, it was authentic and all the more powerful for the very personal manner in which it was delivered.
Flinders Housing

Khoa Do is one of the most humble, genuine and interesting presenters I have seen. He has an extraordinary background and a fantastic attitude - his story was amazing, was very well received and taught 1300 IBM employees a bit of humility I would not hesitate to recommend Khoa for another event.

Khoa had a unique and inspiring message that was extremely well received by our group. He had a very appealing way of portraying his story.

Khoa is a great communicator. He engaged us both emotionally and rationally. The richness of Khoa's communication comes from the empathy and interest he establishes with the audience. His own story is an epic in itself; yet he has continued to use each episode as a reason to aim higher in the next. His successes are many and he has channelled his considerable talents into helping the community. His achievements are impressive and worthy of someone well beyond his years - yet he remains a very humble person with great presence and sincerity.
CEO , Optus

We received a lot of great feedback from our delegates in regards to Khoa Do. Everyone was very moved and inspired by his story. He spoke extremely well incorporating a few laughs along the way.  
DMP Marketing

What a way to finish off what was a great conference. Khoa “hit the spot” and was a highlight with all of our delegates. He told his amazing life story in a sincere, genuine and entertaining manner. He “blew us all away”, without any hype, yelling or hi-tech PowerPoint.
Beaumont Tiles

The delegates feed back was fabulous. Khoa really touched them with his story and inspired them with his achievements.  All who met him found him very personable and modest.  An outstanding young man!
Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association

“Khoa is a master storyteller.  He had our audience spell bound.  It was humbling to hear his story and inspiring to see how he is living an integrated life where his values, beliefs and actions are in harmony. Makes you proud to be in Australia where it is possible to have a Vietnamese refugee be Young Australian of The Year.  And to have someone who can bridge so many gaps.  Equally at home in Hollywood as he is in Cabramatta, making films about footy, working with famous writers and actors one day, and homeless and drug addicted another. His belief in himself and belief in the goodness of others is something a lot of our people will aspire to.  He has left a profound mark on our people on the capacity we have to transform. On a personal level, he is an utter pleasure to work with - he has a presence and sincerity that is quietly confident. You forget how young he is at times!
Westpac Banking Corporation

Khoa Do's presentation was extremely touching to all who attended the SV&MHS Discovery Leadership course in October 2007. The reflection by the group the next day confirmed that Khoa's story moved each person who heard him speak. It was refreshing to have someone speak from the "Gen Y" category who was able to describe his experiences, trials and tribulations into the context of leading, never quitting and looking for the positive in all situations and to be able to back yourself when other don't. The dreams that you hold will only come if you take the first step.
St Vincent’s Hospital

Khoa Do was an absolute pleasure – he connected immediately with the audience and they loved him.   He was an outstanding person to bring, what was a successful conference, to a close.   His sincerity, warmth and honesty was exactly what this group of delegates wanted to hear, whose daily work is akin to the experiences Khoa had with his ‘street kids’.
National Employment Services Association

Australian Independent Rural Retailers

Khoa was the final keynote presenter at our annual principals’ conference. His presentation was a truly awesome conclusion and his message of belief in self, following your passion and of endeavouring to make a difference was spellbinding. The applause from every single person in the room was resounding and it indicated just how well he had captivated his audience and connected with  us, uniting us not just as group of professionals but as human beings.
Department of Education

Khoa provided a very enlightening presentation which touched many in the audience.  The theme worked well with those working in the homelessness sector and the imaginative and honest way he dealt with the teenagers in Cabramatta was touching.
Homelessness Australia

Khoa Do was the highlight of a leadership ideas festival which saw a range of accomplished speakers and leaders share some very powerful insights. In such illustrious company, Khoa Do stood out and had the audience spellbound with his personal story which was highly inspirational and deeply moving. He is such a powerful, captivating speaker and a genuine person. A leader in the true sense of the word and a wonderful young Australian.
Yellow Edge Pty Ltd

Khoa’s story was fascinating with a real message and was delivered with passion.

Khoa Do was able to convey his life experience in a way that had our AFL staff engaged throughout. the presentation. His story is uplifting and a great advertisement for multicultural Australia and to the human spirit.

Excellent. There is only one word to describe Khoa Doh's presentation to the AMCA National conference -- Fantastic.  He captivated the audience with the story of his family's travels to Australia and then went on to humour us with the stories of his filmmaking activities with his brother.

What a well versed speaker, our clients hung on every word. A fantastic story teller and all round nice guy
Southern Cross Financial Planning

Khoa Do made an excellent presentation at our conference.  He received a standing ovation and we received many glowing comments afterwards.  He is a wonderful ambassador for young people and it was a delight to meet him.
Rotary District 9820

We found Khoa to be an excellent presenter. He scored the highest of our sessions on our Conference feed back form. He has a genuine approach and engaged our audience.
Yum! Restaurants

The highlight of the forum was definitely Khoa Do- he was stunning. I loved his commitment to people who may be excluded from mainstream opportunities; it was a great message for schools.
Asia Education Foundation

I have heard Khoa speak on three occasions and his story never ceases to both move and amuse me.  He was an absolute pleasure to work with and wowed everyone he came into contact with.  Khoa made himself available to the media and represented all stakeholders in a professional manner.  He was so low maintenance and we enjoyed our time with him immensely.
Orange City Council

Truly inspirational presentation! The humorous and humble delivery of his personal journey to success left us all with a lasting impression. The feedback we have received so far has been overwhelmingly positive. Guests were touched, motivated and encouraged by his words. Highly recommend him to others. Well done Khoa and thank you once again.
Melton City Council 

Khoa presented a warm, lively and animated presentation with humour to the Camden community at our 2014 Narellan Rhythms Festival as our guest Cultural Ambassador. He was very inspiring and took the time to meet our local Cultural Ambassadors of the future.
Camden Council