Kim Katrin Milan Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Kim Katrin Milan

  • Kim Katrin Milan is the Co-Founder of The People Project and activist for justice and inclusion.
  • She is also one of the owners of the Glad Day Book Shop, the oldest LGBT bookstore in the world.
  • She has hosted events for the United Nations, acted as the Grand Marshall for Hudson, NY Pride, and hosted the opening night Black Lives Matter panel at the Art Gallery of Toronto.
  • Warm, entertaining, powerful  and inclusive, Kim is a public researcher, consultant and human rights educator, who igniting conferences, universities and corporate training sessions, sharing hundreds of unique resources and presentations around intersectional issues including race, ability, gender, human rights considerations and communications.

Topics for Kim Katrin Milan

  • The new golden rule
    The grass is greenest where we water it, and Kim inspires audiences to engage in their responsibility to make the world more ethical than the one we were born into by taking a firm position on issues of equity and diversity. Her intersectional approach to human rights reframes the golden rule so we treat others the way they want to be treated, versus how we want to be treated. We see a level of consciousness around diversity continue to increase throughout the workplace, community organizations, educational institutions, and all other aspects of daily life. In this presentation, Kim uses examples from case studies, social media, and current events to outline practical ways for individuals and organizations to make diversity and equity a greater consideration.

  • What does it mean to be an ally?
    This presentation will provide participants with a deepened understanding of current social justice movements in addition to serving as a solid introduction to practices of anti-oppression and allyship for individuals and organizations. Beginning with identifying tangible strategies for solidarity, Kim establishes a shared language and deconstructs systems of oppression including gender, ability and race using current social media based examples. Using her own lived experience as a queer womyn married to a transgender man, and pulling from her work as the Director of The People Project, Kim gives a solid foundation for understanding the experiences of others and acting in allyship.

  • Change the culture: Consent and anti-sexualized violence on campus
    Studies have shown that the majority of sexual assaults on campus go unreported. The most effective way of addressing this is by creating a campus culture of openness and consent. For over a decade Kim has been leading education, training and research on gender-based violence and building consent culture. Kim engages students on the topic of consent through discussions on boundaries, personal autonomy, relationships, social media, substance use, social pressure, and other aspects of sexual health. She explores a range of questions including ‘How do you know what your partner wants? How do you accept refusal or rejection? What are other people thinking about sex?’ This presentation focuses on fun and accessible affirmative-consent education that teaches “yes means yes” versus “no means no”. Audiences will leave with a better understanding of sexuality and healthy relationships.

  • Amplifying women’s leadership and social entrepreneurship
    In this presentation, Kim helps audiences understand the legacies that have brought us to our current state of inequity. She sheds lights on the issues facing women of different social locations. Kim outlines multiple movements and practices, both locally and internationally, which showcase women leading feminist movements and sparking change across various industries.  Kim shares her experience as a gifted young social entrepreneur who lived through homelessness and violence to become a three-time business owner committed to changing her corner of the world. Women of color are among the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs, but often lack the capital and social infrastructure to support their vision. Kim uses her experience to break down the obstacles and best practices around social entrepreneurship, with a focus on non-profit and youth-led initiatives transforming communities. Using a variety of media based examples, Kim inspires women to make a difference and lead change for current and future generations.

  • Layers not fractions: Mental health and identity
    With a focus on student life, Kim explores how intersections of race, sexual orientation, and gender impact mental wellness. Emphasizing these connections allows for an inclusive discussion and a holistic focus on mental wellness and community engagement. Her work is about creating an understanding of health equity through community engagement. A yoga instructor and corporate consultant, she balances both anecdotal lived experience and tangible practices for immediately reducing stress and confronting trauma. Her experience as a youth organizer gives her first-hand knowledge of high amounts of stress and trauma experienced both on and off campuses. Her experiences in workshop training with corporations provides additional perspective on personal and professional development needs. She credits her strong emotional resilience with her ability to heal as a survivor and sustain long term community-based development.

  • Kim is also able to deliver presentations alongside her husband and fellow speaker Tiq Milan.

Testimonials for Kim Katrin Milan

Whether the audience is a group of young people, a room full of activists or a lecture hall filled with academics, Kim is consistently prepared, powerfully passionate and undeniably charismatic. Although her work traverses a number of fields and arenas, Kim is a master at making things accessible and supports her words with examples and resources that resonate and connect to the audience. One of the things I truly appreciate about Kim is her generosity and openness to share her journey, her knowledge and the various tools she steadily collects so that folks can have something to engage beyond the event.
CBC’s The Exhibitionists

She is passionate, poignant and driven to make change and she does. A powerful voice and beautiful spirit, the type of leader who leaves her mark regardless of what she touches.
Operations and Events Manager
Global Public Affairs

Kim’s talk was not just soul-shaking and was unchained healing. She bravely open doors inside the deepest spaces in her heart, allowing us in, allowing us to open the same doors within our own.
Project Manager
White Ribbon Campaign

She ignites. What is almost as incredible as witnessing her speak is watching a crowd as she speaks—the voracious head nodding and snapping, and the deep sighs and the tears - it’s like watching fire spread.
Vivek Shraya
Writer and Singer

A force to be reckoned with, the incredibly prolific Crosby (aka Katrin Milan) manages, like Will (Munro), to explore her own ideas around intersecting identities and anti-oppressive politics in her work, which she uses as a tool to educate the public.
The Grid