Laurel Papworth Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Laurel Papworth

  • Laurel Papworth is one of the top 10 bloggers in Australia.
  • She has 50,000 followers on Twitter and 45,000 on Google plus.
  • Her clients include the Singaporean Government, Middle East Broadcasting, Westpac and Sony, as well as both State and Federal Governments.
  • Laurel has been teaching social media at the University of Sydney since 2005.

Topics for Laurel Papworth

  • Big data and social media
    • Just how does Facebook link your credit cards to your updates?
  • Executive briefing on risk management, compliance, return on investment, future directions (strategic) and cost of inaction
  • 9 steps for writing an organisation social media strategy
  • 5 steps of social media marketing campaign on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • 8 ways to deal with negative criticism and trolling comments on social media
  • Social advertising (Facebook ads, power editor, Twitter ads, Instagram ads)
  • Writing and promoting social media press releases and corporate blogging
  • Facebook for more likes and engagement/comments including building a call to action (e.g. click here, sign up to email etc)
  • Twitterati and key influencer relationships online
  • LinkedIn best practices for profiles, pages, groups and ads
  • Social media for event and conference promotion (beyond the #hashtag and YouTube video)

Testimonials for Laurel Papworth

I want to thank Laurel for an insightful, stimulating, absorbing, thought-provoking and very entertaining full day on the entire social media landscape. The session was highly relevant for digital specialists, traditional marketers and PR professionals alike. It was full of very current information and lots of new material in a space that is often talked about but not often fully understood.  I would happily recommend Laurel and look forward to working with her in the future.
Head of Digital
Blackmores Ltd

Laurel delivered an informative and thought provoking session to a packed house, and was rated in the top 5 speakers for the overall Congress. Kathryn Rae, Senior Manager – Australian Business Consulting & Solutions
Australian Business Chambers Congress

Laurel once again demonstrated her depth of knowledge in all areas of social media and why she was named one of Forbes Magazines 2012 Top 50 Social Media Influencers globally. After the first workshop which provided an overview, this time Laurel went through in detail a 9-step Social Media Strategy, and the value of Pinterest and Google Plus and the feedback has been great.  For many of us the workings of social media continue to challenge but Laurel reassures and educates and makes it all perfectly understandable!
Inforum Group

Defence Force Recruiting has traditionally eschewed social media, due to its perceived risks and special resourcing requirements. Laurel has helped our organisation to understand the 'opportunity cost' of not being involved in social media and the danger of excluding ourselves from the online conversation, particularly given the fact that our target market is the 17-25 year old age group.  Laurel's workshop has gone a long way to convincing our management team of the prospective benefits of social media.  We will now proceed with more certainty into the brave new world of online communities.
Digital Project Manager Business Services Team
Defence Force Recruiting

Evaluation feedback showed your presentation was very well received by staff.  Comments on your presentation included “Best Talking Heads I have been to”,  Excellent! Very informative and interesting”.  “Best Talking Heads I have been to.  She needs to come regularly.”  “Engaging, funny and interesting”.  “Brilliant and thought provoking.”  Your contribution to the Talking Heads series is greatly appreciated by the Department.
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy

Your presentation style and content was superb and really focused on teaching the ‘how-to’s’ with the added bonus of why, creating a workshop with a good balance of tactical information and theory.  Many Snowy Mountains operators are very good business people with savvy marketing but there was a gap in their social media knowledge, however after yesterday’s workshop I believe they have the knowledge and confidence to seriously integrate social media marketing into their overall marketing strategy.  All of the Snowy Mountains tourism operators were very satisfied with the overall workshop and information. Some even asked if we could get you back again next year! 
Project Officer
Tourism Snowy Mountains

Laurel opened our eyes to the full potential of Facebook. She delivered in a way that was easy to understand and kept our attention. 
Online Communications Officer
Albury City Council

A total of two hundred and twenty three people attended the event and one hundred and fifty four of those submitted an evaluation form. Of those 154 (attendees): 92% indicated they would implement what they had learnt in their business. 98% rated the presenter’s delivery of the workshop as good to excellent.
Department of State and Regional Development workshops to business.