Lucy Bloom Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Lucy Bloom

  • Lucy Bloom is the first and only Australian to be listed in the world’s top 30 #socialceos.
  • She was a founding director and CEO of Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia (Australia), going from volunteer to CEO in 8 years.
  • Her knack for social media brought a niche charity in Australia a monthly post reach of more than 20M. Her social media clients report instant results. Even Facebook HQ has called on her expertise.
  • Lucy Bloom is a branding expert, accomplished photographer and art director.
  • She is a recipient of a Kindness Award from the Wake Up Project.
  • Lucy is the winner of the 2015 Women’s Agenda Emerging Leader in the not-for-profit Sector Award.
  • She was a finalist in the Agenda Setter category of the 2016 Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards.
  • Lucy has been nominated many times and named a finalist twice in the Telstra Business Woman of the Year Awards.
  • She is the Winner of a Weekly Award for Best Talk at the Adelaide Fringe Festival 2019.
  • Lucy Bloom is the creator of the world’s first childbirth education program for men, which is run in pubs all over Australia. She is the author of the best selling book which accompanies the program, Cheers to Childbirth.
  • In 2019, HarperCollins Australia published Lucy’s memoir – Get the Girls Out: a memoir of love, loss and letting loose.
  • She is often called on to provide comment in mainstream media on a wide range of subjects such as gender equality, social media, leadership and international aid.
  • She’s a member of Women on Boards and Professional Speakers Australia.
  • Lucy is on the executive committee of Coogee Chamber of Commerce and one day will run for Mayor of Randwick.
  • Hair game is strong.
  • Lucy Bloom is a mother of three and travels from Sydney, Australia.

Topics for Lucy Bloom

  • Doing business differently
    Lucy will take you on a roller coaster ride of fascinating experiences and business learnings from a 25-year career as a master communicator, world changer and trailblazer. Discover how to do business differently, why fun should be a factor in your strategic plan, why kindness and optimism feed your bottom line and how ordinary people do the extraordinary.

  • Resilience and transformation
    Behind the mohawk is a sharp business woman who has developed the tools for personal resilience and adaptability: from a motorcycle accident which almost claimed her life to the epic challenges of the start up world and the NFP boardroom. Lucy will show you how to inspire optimism and create value in the face of adversity and change.

  • Maverick thinking
    Discover how to identify the elements of a maverick idea, have the courage to develop them, gain momentum behind them and launch them into the world – or present them to your boss. Learn how to create, distil and pursue maverick ideas with clarity and focus in a fast-changing, ever-moving digital age.

  • The trust trifecta
    Trust is hard-earned and easily lost yet it underpins so much of our commercial and personal success. Understand the neuroscience of giving and receiving trust and learn how to develop and hold the trust of your customers and colleagues with the lessons learned in this valuable presentation.

  • Everyday courage
    Most of us will never jump from a plane into a war zone or face a firing squad and neither has Lucy! But she has learned how the most courageous people face fear and push through. Lucy illustrates how courage is not only the realm of front-line soldiers. It is acts of everyday heroism that make the world go round.

  • Hormone hacks for a happy life
    Take the science of brain chemistry and apply it to doing business. Understand the human chemical drivers for why the workplace can be such a battleground and how to turn that around. Take it from Lucy, who has learned these lessons from the coal face of the labour ward to the furnace of the boardroom.

  • From flop to flight mode: Turning failure into fortune
    Oh to be the poster girl for failure! Lucy Bloom has had her fair share of professional fails, smackdowns and sideswipes. And every time she has rebuilt, rebooted and come back for more, better than before. Discover Lucy’s five steps for bouncing back from failure – a crucial part of progress – to learn from your errors and focusing forward for the win. 

  • Leading with kindness
    Lucy Bloom is an award-winning leader who received a Kindness Award after raising 7 million dollars for marginalised women in Ethiopia. Under the pink mohawk is a strategic businesswoman who has built a career on kindness: kindness to herself, her team and her end-customer. Discover how to spread kindness like wildfire in a way that feeds back into your business, your people and especially your bottom line. This unforgettable speech will have your delegates implementing leadership with kindness and when in doubt, considering “What would Lucy do?"

    Top three take homes include:
    • Understand the neuroscience of kindness and how to measure its impact on you and the business.
    • Learn how to implement leading with kindness from the top, middle and entry level of any business with radical policy and strategic planning.
    • Take home a daily kindness routine which makes you live longer.

Testimonials for Lucy Bloom

That is the best Zoom call I have ever been on.

Not only was she extremely captivating, Lucy’s stories and diversity of experience really confirmed for me that what is happening right now is only temporary and gives us so much to look forward to.

Lucy Bloom is one of the best speakers I have ever heard. She was perfect for the current environment.
Good Shepherd Australia

That virtual presentation was just what we all needed. It was such a great lift! I have not stopped smiling.
Good Shepherd

Lucy made our people feel like they wanted to jump into action straight after her life stream, which is just what we were going for. Our audience (supermarket franchisees, mainly men) loved her personable nature and many have commented about how funny she is.
Food Stuffs New Zealand

I always love the humour and soul-catching authenticity when Lucy Perry is on stage.
Bockers and Pony

Your presentation in Fiji was fantastic. Thanks for staying around and getting involved with the team over dinner and drinks. We've not had this before and a lot of people have let me know that the opportunity to connect with you personally was the highlight of the event.
Chief General Manager
Retail Division, Allianz Australia Insurance

From the minute Lucy spoke, the whole audience was captivated. Her ability to incorporate humour and compassion into a clear business message is unlike no other! Highly recommended speaker.
National Partnership Manager

Some presentations really REACH their audience – Lucy has that preciously rare skill. I was so moved, and so inspired! Brava!
Connecting Up Conference, Gold Coast

I’m a speaker’s coach and Lucy Perry is the best speaker I have ever heard.

I have seen a lot of good speakers on the corporate speaking circuit both here and overseas. Up there with the best of them is Lucy Perry. Lucy connects with her audience from the moment she walks on stage to the moment she leaves to thunderous applause, often accompanied with tears. Lucy tells powerful stories of human tenacity and love; she inspires all with her insight into the human spirit. Lucy Perry is an A-lister who delivers impact and insight every time she speaks.

You were gutsy, inspirational and so damn funny.
Wake Up Project’s Women Leading Change, 2015

Lucy certainly has an amazing capacity for “presence” when she speaks. She is as equally captivating as she is inspirational.
Chief Executive Officer
Thomas Holt Villages

Lucy Perry delivered an incredibly inspiring, entertaining and authentic presentation at our conference series. She was professional, flexible and creative in tailoring her presentation for the audience. It was a pleasure working with Lucy.
Head of Schools and Not-for-Profit Banking
Commonwealth Bank

Lucy impressed our audiences with her fast-paced, vibrant and thoroughly entertaining presentation. She is a wonderful storyteller; she delivers her messages with candour, humour and a realness that is often missing from the corporate speaker circuit. We highly recommend Lucy to any organisation that is looking for a speaker who is smart, informed and funny. Your audience will love Lucy.
General Manager
Australian Finance Group

We booked Lucy, sight unseen, following a recommendation from a supplier that engaged Lucy previously.  We weren’t disappointed.  She had so much energy and really did lift the room.  She was a pleasure to work with.
National Mortgage Brokers