Michael Licenblat Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Michael Licenblat

  • Michael Licenblat is a resilience expert with a B.Sc. (Psychology).
  • Has a background in Psychology, Shiatsu therapy, and over 25 years of Martial Arts experience.
  • Author of Pressure Proof – how to thrive in time of disruption, change, and pressure.
  • He is regularly published in several journals.
  • His clients include Toyota, Chemmart, REIV, Coles Myer Ltd., Pitcher Partners, St George, Smartline, SEEK, Hocking Stuart, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, Maunsell, SalesForce, and the Victorian Parliament.

Topics for Michael Licenblat

  • Becoming Pressure Proof
    Thriving in times of disruption, change and challenge

    In your current business climate, you will be under great stress to deliver more in less time with fewer resources.  You will be confronted by continual changes, pressured by rising competition, and faced with higher expectations.  There will always be days of setbacks and failures; changes that you can’t control; workloads that never end, and problems that don’t seem to have solutions.  You will be required give more of yourself, take on greater responsibility, and, at times, find yourself right out of your comfort zone.   Will you be resilient enough to thrive?

    The reality is that your business future will be filled with pressures and changes that will both challenge you and open up new levels of possibility.   A major key to your success is being able to flow with change, adapt to pressure, and remain engaged and motivated – without burning yourself out.  This is greatly determined by how fast you can bounce back from the setbacks, challenges, and pressures that may otherwise slow you down, wear you out, or get in your way. 

    In this presentation, Michael will walk you through the 5 levels of personal resilience so that you can achieve more in high-pressure environments.

    In this presentation, participants will learn how to:
    • Bounce back faster from setbacks and challenges
    • Lift personal productivity when dealing with multiple pressures
    • Remain motivated under pressure with a resilient mental attitude
    • Thrive and adapt in a competitive environment – without burning yourself out

  • Building Business Rainmakers
    How to hit sales targets in tough and competitive markets
    In times where competition is growing and clients are more discerning, businesses will have to work harder and smarter to secure their market share and business revenue.  Whilst most industry professionals are technically orientated, it is having the confidence and motivation to initiate new business, follow up with clients, mining your database for leads, and making the new calls can mean the difference between your success and failure.

    In this presentation, Michael Licenblat will demystify how to keep your team proactive in their lead generation and follow ups, and remain motivated in the face of high rejections, and setbacks.   This is not simply a 'hype up' session, but rather a practical look at the resilience principles that drive technically orientated people to get past their call reluctance or sales aversion and stay proactive and enthusiastic in their lead generation and achieve their revenue targets – even when they don't feel like it. 

    In this presentation, participants will learn how to:
    • Overcome sales reluctance and call aversion to initiate more leads and new contacts
    • Get past the 4 motivational killers that slow down your sales activity
    • Become confident and comfortable to approach new (and existing) clients in a professional and ‘non-salesy’ manner
    • Focus your time and energy to be more sales active and reach your sales/revenue targets faster

  • Maximising Your Influence
    Handling difficult people without becoming drained
    Creating high performance teams, managing people, delivering excellent service, and building client rapport is greatly determined by your ability to influence and communicate with emotionally charged people, without taking them personally or becoming worked up.

    The quality of interactions between you, your team and your customers is the pivot point that either leaves people feeling uplifted and wanting to do more business with you; or results in tension and customers going to your competitor for a solution. 

    In this presentation, Michael will explain how to read, and be more influential and effective when working with situations of confrontation, conflict, complaint, or with challenging, non-compliant behavior or negative people - whilst staying calm, focused, and in control.  Not only will this help your team resolve issues faster, but these skills also promote an uplifting morale, and project a professional brand to the market.

    In this presentation, participants will learn how to:
    • Be more influential with challenging, non-compliant or negative people
    • Stay cool and calm and dramatically reduce feelings of anxiousness, anger and frustration during a confrontation, conflict or clash 
    • Avoid taking people’s comments personally and be able to work and communicate well with any type of person by reading their ‘Pressure Patterns’
    • Resolve issues quickly and effectively without becoming drained

  • Building Sales Resilience
    Bouncing back from sales rejections and setbacks

    Every year companies spend tens of thousands of dollars on training their sales teams in areas like prospecting, questioning and closing more sales.  While this type of training is clearly valuable, it fails to address a key factor impacting sales performance. That is, the ability of the salesperson to manage the rejections and pushbacks they face on a daily basis.

    As a significant proportion of initial sales calls, follow ups and meetings end in ‘No’, setbacks are a part of any sales process.  Most salespeople, however, are never taught how to deal with the impact of hearing ‘no’, and as a result, their sales motivation and dollar productivity are diminished and the likelihood of future success reduced.

    In this presentation, Michael provides practical techniques on how to bounce back from sales setbacks so that you can remain motivated and productive to hit sales targets faster.

    In this presentation, participants will learn how to:
    • Recover quickly from rejections and challenges to achieve more
    • Keep their ‘drive alive’ by not personalizing rejections or pushbacks
    • Deal with negativity and failure without becoming drained
    • Develop a resilient mental attitude to stay focused and dollar productive in tough markets

  • Accelerating Your Productivity
    Getting more done in high pressure environments

Testimonials for Michael Licenblat

After a mad year of COVID in 2020, Michael brought his much needed expertise in resilience to the Hodges Real Estate company. Michael worked with our group prior to delivering his program to tailor the content to suit the varying needs of different departments within our business. Michael was able to draw from his personal experiences to teach our staff how to bounce back and remain pressure proof in a practical and engaging way.
Operations Manager

Thank you for a great presentation that you delivered to the retail sales team of Scotts Australia. Your high energy and interactive style engaged the team right from the beginning and kept them interested and involved all the way through.  Everyone in the conference took away new ideas and skills to enhance their resilience and working stamina that will, no doubt, help them reach their sales targets.  Michael, I thought your program was 'spot on' for our team and look forward to working with you again in the future.
National Sales Manager
Scotts Australia

Michael is not only Australia’s leading thinker and author on resilience, he’s also a champion human being. His work makes a profound difference and he shows up with strength, humility, generosity and humour. Engage him if you get the chance.
Speaker – Author – Mentor – CEO
Thought Leaders & Dean of Thought Leaders Business School

Michael delivered a fantastic seminar for our clients, where he energised the audience with his simple to understand style and exceptional knowledge and skills. The audience was engaged right from the start, and left committed to improving themselves, overcoming reluctance and staying motivated. Michael is an exceptional ‘people coach’ who delivered a wonderful program.
Austbrokers Countrywide

As a speaker bureau, my reputation is on the line every time we put forward a speaker. In saying this there are some speakers who you know you never have to worry about. Michael Licenblat is one of those truly professional and reliable speakers. Michael represented our agency as a keynote speaker and received great feedback from the delegates. I was also in the audience and was very pleased that Michael was a representation of our brand. Michael is engaging, entertaining and most importantly delivers valuable content.
Coyote Speakers Bureau and Vox Presenters

Michael was by far our best presenter to date. From the beginning to the end you kept everyone engaged. Your common sense approach to building resilience gave people the confidence to put these principles in place both in their professional and personal lives.
National People & Culture Manager
A&L Windows

Michael provided us with an outstanding and motivating presentation which our attendees consistently rated as one of the best presentations, and him as one of the best presenters, at the BCI Summit Australasia.
New Zealand Area Representative & Director
Business Continuity Institute Australasian Chapter

An outstanding presentation! Not only was the delivery of the presentation inspiring, but it dealt with the topic of dealing with adversity on a very practical level that lends well to implementation in the workplace.  Thank you again for your time and dedication, which was instrumental to making our ALC conference a success!
CEO, Australia
The Adecco Group

When Michael starting speaking I looked around the room and noticed a lot of engagement and many heads nodding in agreement, relating strongly to his concepts.  I knew at that point that this guy knows what he is talking about.
Junior Mini School Assistant Principal
Mount Ridley P – 12 College

Michael provided a fantastic session for us at AIME.  Michael’s enthusiasm and tone were perfect to close our conference program on a high note.
Education Content Executive
ibtm events

Wow. What a presenter!  Insightful, informative and engaging.  Michael really connected with attendees by involving conference participants in the presentation through movement and asking for real life anecdotes.  We highly recommend Michael as a presenter and would be delighted to see him on our speaker list again in the future.
Deputy President
Mackay Region Chamber of Commerce

We chose to work with Michael because a lot of our Franchisees are self employed business people and it can be tough running a business on your own, whilst looking for new clients, and we wanted to help our people become more resilient, stay positive, and proactive in their prospecting.   Michael not only inspired our group to stretch their comfort zones, but also showed us how to do it in their sales and business activity.  Michael has worked across our organisation from our annual conference, to state manager mentoring, and Franchisee training.
Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisors
I highly recommend the sales resilience matrix as a tool for managers to break down conflict barriers and as an effective tool to driver team performance. The tools are very user friendly and the program itself has become a real part of our operational culture. Michael is an outstanding presenter and I would highly recommend his services for your next sales conference.
National Operations Manager 
Chemmart® Pharmacy – Vic Office

Following an exceptional key note address on resilience at our National conference we rolled out Michaels Business Rainmakers workshop sessions across the country targeting Advisers running their own businesses. This initiative has created a much needed focus on increasing productivity. If you aim to rejuvenate and refocus your sales force Michael has the tools that work!
Managing Director
Liberty Financial

You may be interested to know that we had a nurse meeting today and the nurses said that they are using your training tips in the course of their triage phone calls to great effect.  As we know, many people attend training and the learnings disappear after a while and people can slide back to old habits. I think it is a great testimony to the efficacy of your session as it has formed part of their work practices and still does.
Management Business Development
West Vic Division of General Practice

We usually only have speakers from within the real estate industry speak at our events, however the choice to bring in Michael Licenblat, an external speaker, has proven to be an excellent choice.  Michael quickly engaged our group and showed that he understood our industry.  Michael's resilience presentation was both entertaining and hands on, giving our property management teams some practical communication tips, and self management tools, that will add great value to their relationships with their clients.  I look forward to working with Michael again.
The Jellis Craig Group

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your professionalism and excellence in the delivery of the workshops to our consultants on “How to deal with negative and difficult people – without becoming drained”.  The feedback from the session has been extremely positive.  You provided a ‘toolbox’ for our people on both a personal and professional basis so that they are able to tackle each and every appointment with a clear mind, and you provided practical tips on how to handle a work-life balance.  Most interesting was the segment about reading and understanding pressure profiles.  This segment has motivated our consultants to think about our internal and external relationships and why they, and the people they work with, react to pressure situations in different ways.
Operational Trainer
Sarina Russo Job Access – Victoria

I am very happy, and I must say unsurprised, that all the feedback received from your recent seminar for the NIBA Young Professionals (National Insurance Brokers Association) has been very positive. The Insurance Industry is certainly finding that we have much more pressure put on our day to day activities than every before, and the techniques and knowledge provided by you will no doubt be invaluable to the attendees. I would like to thank you for your enthusiastic and interesting presentation and would have no hesitation recommending you to anyone working in a high pressure industry.
Account Executive - Enterprise
Aon Risk Services Australia Limited
Chairperson, NIBA Young Professionals

I am writing to thank you for presenting the session on ‘Pressure Proofing yourself in work and life’ at the Maurice Blackburn and Associates’ and Senior Associates’ Conference.  I appreciate the time and effort you invested in the preparation and presentation for the conference in the weeks prior.  Your presentation provided attendees with relevant and useful information, and practical ways to manage the pressures experienced in the workplace and at home.  The energy was fantastic, and the supporting materials great so that all is not forgotten once the conference is finished. I look forward to working with you in the future.
National Human Resources Manager (Learning & Development)
Maurice Blackburn

Your presentation and interaction with the staff was commented on extremely favourably and we wish to thank you for making the staff feel extremely comfortable yet captivating their attention on a subject that was crucial to their professional development.  It was pleasing to have the topic delivered in a relaxed style, knowing it hit the mark and has now made the staff aware of what is available to them.  Your attendance helped us to make this year’s conference a success. It is pleasing to report that your presentation ranked as one of the highest in our 3 day agenda.  Feedback from staff was very positive and they look forward to the challenge of managing their day and lifestyle better now!  Again, sincere thanks for your attendance and valued input.
Managing Director 
Adroit Insurance Group

Your presentation helped to show us how we can turn stress into energy and enthusiasm to benefit not only our business, but also our quality of life.  Your use of humour, personal anecdotes and audience interaction both entertained the members and gave them practical strategies to enhance their personal performance when working under pressure.  Thank you for taking the time to customize the program and getting to know our industry.  Your presentation definitely contributed to the overall success of the conference. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Pitcher Partners

Your practical strategies on work-life balance and personal maintenance were also very well received. Thanks you for an entertaining and enjoyable presentation and for helping us to build a ‘resilient workforce’.
CHN Herold Ross

Michael is very open with sharing his own life experiences and relating them back to the simple techniques/tools he took us through.  As managers we are juggling many things at once that at times impacts our work life balance, I really felt the tools Michael took us through will help us achieve greater resilience in challenging times. I would highly recommend Michael to any organisation looking to build resilience in their workforce.
National People & Culture Manager
A&L Windows

As teachers we are helping to mould and guide young lives, so it is important that we stay focused and enthusiastic with our work.  It’s hard to do that with the everyday rush of the job.  Michael’s program has helped us to just that.  We need to take a moment each day to release the pressure and rebuild our resilience.  Due to the interest in the program, we had over 100 teachers and support staff attend Michael’s half day program on ‘How to Pressure Proof yourself and become resilient to tension and burnout’.  The only venue that would cater was the school gym.  Even with a room this size, Michael’s dynamic and interactive nature ensured that everyone was engaged and participated all the way through.  The follow up resources (CD and personalised email follow up program) ensured that the learning has stayed fresh in the participant’s minds months after the program. I have also very positive feedback from all who attended and some who were unable to get there have accessed the CD and notes which they found worthwhile. I am very happy with the outcome.
Mudgee High School

I would like to thank you for the invaluable sessions you presented at the Fenton Communications staff conference. The content was excellent and was delivered in a most engaging and appropriate way. At out post conference review, every staff member reflected that they had taken some key actions from the session and had incorporated them into their working day. It is not easy to present to a group of experts in communication and Michael exceeded our expectations ten fold.
Fenton Communications

Our company was going through some very significant changes and we decided to have Michael Licenblat run his bounce back series to revitalize the staff.  Michael’s sessions were truly inspirational and our staff walked away with a new lease of life and engaged in their work once again.
Marketing & Communications Manager
LINK Recruitment

As a result of the Matrix Training we have identified and acknowledged that increasing the weekly activities in particular, property inspections and open houses, we have created an increase in our sales activity and subsequently higher commissions.  This has been very evident with our lower income producers who we have worked extensively with the Matrix training model and it has been successful. 

Dungey, Carter Ketterer Real Estate

Michael presented at the end of our two day conference, at a time when energy levels are quite low.  Michael was incredibly engaging, the energy and enthusiasm from the participants was palpable.  His common sense approach resonated with the team, reminding them to get back to basics and giving them simple but effective tools to take into the field
Communications Manager
St. George Banking Group

I was exceptionally happy that we got Michael to speak to the REIV members.  He was very entertaining and gave some sound messages to our group.
Professional Services Manager
The Real Estate Institute of Victoria Ltd

Michael Licenblat was an outstanding presenter and his format was both informative and interactive so the time went very quickly.  I found the session positive and rewarding; the concepts he covered and the breadth of experience he drew on resonated with men and women alike, from my observation, more so because they were real situations drawn from his life. As his training is very soundly based in both his academic and broader professional training his genuine commitment to the concepts he espoused was obvious.
Project Management Consultant
City of Port Phillip