Terry Hawkins Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Terry Hawkins

  • Top 60 Motivational Speakers of the World List (Top 10 Women0 2014
  • President, National Speakers Association (NSA), Greater LA 2015
  • Dean, Speakers Academy (NSA), Greater Los Angeles 2014
  • President’s Call to Service Award USA 2012 and 2014
  • Radical Woman Entrepreneur USA 2012
  • Rising Star Award & Editor’s Choice Award Non-Fiction USA 2012 (Why Wait to be Great? It’s either Now or too Late!)
  • Educator Award for Excellence (NSA) Australia 2010

Topics for Terry Hawkins

The essence of all change lies in our ability to redesign the patterns that keep us at our current level. Using the fundamentals of change effectiveness, which Terry calls flipman®, Terry is able to deliver a hugely entertaining yet powerfully influential keynote on the following topics.

  • Why wait to be great? It's either now or too late
    • Combat the fear of change and turn adversity into action with flipman and pitman using Terry’s unique and proven four-step process for success.

  • Why wait to be great at sales?
    • Eliminate, renovate and elevate to a new sales level.

  • Why wait to be great at leadership?
    • Smash through that glass ceiling and allow your team to soar.

  • Why wait to be great at people reading?
    • The four temperamental styles with a hilarious twist.

  • Why wait to be great at communication connections?
    • Creating communication connections that last.

  • Why wait to be great at outstanding retail?
    • Get a retail makeover with the expert - Terry's 23 years as CEO and founder of People in Progress Global, a leader in dynamic retail.

  • Why wait to be great at calming conflict?
    • Stop avoiding and start creating. Conflict: the key to a company's evolution.

Testimonials for Terry Hawkins

Terry is always full of energy and has a very strong message that she delivers with humility and energy.
Soibhan McCray - Nandos

I just wanted to let you know that you have transformed my team!  Everyone was so very touched, amazed and impressed by your presentation. Thank you once again, and let’s talk soon to see how we can follow it up.
Jorn Zempel - General Manager, Professional Products Division L’Oreal

Terry,  Thanks a MILLION for working your magic with the Mecca Brands team today.  You are so incredible, your story is so inspiring, your energy is phenomenal (and unparalleled) and we are SO SO lucky to have you sharing your wisdom with us.  Thank you sooooooooo much, I am so so so grateful.  I just love it…and you, of course.
Jo Horgan -  Owner/CEO MECCA Brands 

As one of the TOP Selling Company’s in the nation, we invest heavily in our sales forces, one of those is educating our top performers albeit the “5 percenter’s” with the life tools of keeping mind, body, attitude and sales all in alignment to maintain high performance. We seek out each year, the most diverse, sought after speakers to educate and re-charge our sales team so they can go out and become even better than what they had thought possible. Terry brought us to a new level, for one, she is leader of living life beyond what one may deem possible or even imagine-able. Her personal life lessons and ability to transcend very personal touch points with the audience made her impact on our team ever life changing and is continually demonstrating to our people the achievements they too can obtain. She will move “the needle” in your organization upwards!
David Gligor - North America Sales Metro & New Channel Sales Senior Managing Director, Service Corporation International

 In my 30 years here at Michigan Sugar Company, never have we had a guest speaker that reached our souls and touched our hearts as profoundly as Terry Hawkins. She possesses a genuineness that people engage with, and she delivers a thought provoking message that is powerful and life changing.  Her understanding of the human spirit runs deep, and her ability to connect with an audience is remarkable!  We have never had a speaker receive a standing ovation until Terry Hawkins. She is simply the very best in her field of work, and she made all 650 of us better human beings by the time she left the stage!!!!
Jim Ruhlman Vice President of Administration  Michigan Sugar Company

Terry Hawkins is high energy, she held the audience’s attention from the moment she took the stage at our San Francisco meeting. Our audience loved Terry and found her message extremely valuable. She was invigorating and is the perfect speaker to energize your attendees.  Terry’s approach helps people see that every challenge can be met with enthusiasm. If you are looking for a speaker who is insightful, positive and will personalize their message for your group, look no further. Terry Hawkins is that speaker. 
Donna Labriola, CHSP Director of Meetings and Events Smart Meetings

Thank your amazing, insightful, presentation. Very spot on and a wakeup call for all of us, to some more than others ;-)  I would also like to thank you for being such a great raw model and front figure for other women: you showed in every step and part of your excellent presentation that it is GREAT to be a successful, appreciated, provocative, skilled, and engaging, leading woman AND being a globally recognised top performer (one of the great looking if not The Best looking TOP PERFORMER:-))) Have just promoted you heavily at my hairdresser - "just being a women preparing my next step
Helena Bargiel Global Head of Engagement Excellence CoE Stakeholder Engagement LEO-Pharma Copenhagen, Denmark

Standing next to you was like standing next to a bolt of lightning. Instantly you electrify the room and tingle toes. I’ve been privileged enough to hold company with some very influential speakers that could set fire to any crowd, but on a one to one level have ZERO connectivity. You walked into the ballroom and immediately made the room grow spines and confidence.  I love how you will take even the “wrong” answer and make someone feel fabulous for it. Meeting you only made me want to be more of a Flipman, cup filler. I hope to be fortunate enough to meet you again and pray I do. However, may it be known, once a person is struck by lightning, they usually don’t forget it.  I can say lightning touched my shoulder and lit my soul. Aside from being able to captivate an audience, you have a way of looking at someone as if they are the only human on earth. Thank You!
Joe Rojas - Hilton Worldwide

I just had the pleasure of experiencing Terry Hawkins as part of our National Sales Conference (Feb 2012). I oversee a sales team of over 100 executives with a portfolio of 55 shopping centers in the US. I have to tell you that in 25 years in this industry Terry ‘s presentation was by far the most insightful, the most intriguing, the most relevant and most importantly personal experience I have ever seen. I see nothing but immense value for my team members in their personal and professional growth.
Ted Kaminski Senior Vice President Specialty Leasing WESTFIELD, USA

Not only did she (Terry) hit a homerun with her presentation but she hit a grand slam. Witty, engaging and true to the core were her messages of goals and keeping out of the “Pit!” Her insights on leadership skills were inspirational as was her ability to keep our audience connected. She did a fantastic job and made us look good.
Karen Conlon CEO C.A.C.M (California Association of Community Managers)

Chatters Canada franchisees and salon professionals were treated to an exceptional presentation by Terry Hawkins. Her energetic way of conveying a point kept us both entertained and riveted to what was coming next. Terry was able to hone in on some key principles that are at the heart of what a service professional deals with on a daily basis. Terry did more than deliver information to our group. Her ability to genuinely portray emotion and share from personal experience really demonstrated that she understands the human condition in all it's complexities. Her experience working with top organizations also proves she clearly understands some of the challenges that require business owners and their teams to overcome, ongoing in order to be successful. Understanding ourselves enables us to better understand and serve others. We came away with some key points that we can all easily recall and apply on a daily basis. Terry was a motivator and kick starter all in one. If you want a speaker to "get real" with your group, Terry Hawkins  is a great choice that everyone from the CEO to the part-time employee can learn and benefit from.
Doreen Belliveau - Manager of Communications and Public Relations Chatters Canada Ltd./Tommy Gun's Original Barbershop

Terry was a most extraordinary keynote speaker at our New York City nursing conference.  All 350 participants were totally engaged and months later refer to "Stickman" as a symbol for positive change both personally and organizationally.  Program evaluations were excellent. Terri's dynamic, energetic and humorous presentation was irresistible and motivational.
Rosanne Raso - RN MS NEA-BC Senior VP, Nursing Services Lutheran Medical Centre Brooklyn NY

I have followed a lot of speakers in my career but Terry was the best.  Her message and presentation style had the audience totally engaged. Terry uses a great mixture of humor and insight that left this group energized and engaged.  Normally, I spend a few minutes in my talks trying to connect with the audience and raise their energy level.  No need following Terry. And to be honest I actually took some notes to use in my own life.  Stickman rules!
William Duffy - RN, MJ, CNOR Vice President, Nursing NorthShore University HealthSystem

I am sure Leo & Kais have provided ample feedback and praise on your session yesterday but positive feedback isn’t a bad thing so I thought I let you know how much I enjoyed your session yesterday. In my role I meet many pitmen and at times it can feel like the dementors from Harry Potter that try to suck all the energy out of you … your presentation was invigorating and just gave me another push in the right direction – much appreciated. On a different note it was also spectacularly great to get the message from one strong woman – it was clear that your journey was not an easy one but admirable what you made of it – created strong sense of purpose with all of us (apart from some of the guys who just seem to remember the joke at the end ;-).  Thank you – not a single minute of the 45 wasted but rather a great experience.
Kristina Czepl - Nestle Australia Step Change Manager

I was privileged to speak at the second annual Perioperative Nursing Conference: Celebrating Our Unsung Heroes!, New York Marriott Marquis, New York, N.Y., October 10, 2009, with Terry Hawkins.  I found Terry’s presentations to be educational, motivating and humorous!  With simple, but so-true-to-life images of “Pit Man” and “Stick Man,” Terry showed that change for the better was possible for each of us.   She shared not just words of encouragement, but an actual plan of action to make the changes necessary to achieve the personal and professional goals we set for ourselves.  I would highly encourage your group or organization to invite Terry to share her wisdom and change possibilities with you!
Easy Stilson, BSN, RN, CNOR Nurse Residency Program Manager

Thank you so much for the most amazing morning this last weekend, our people are still buzzing! You have such a professional and personable team, I know you hadnt planned on staying so long and I truly appreciate you taking time to talk to our people, your non ‘diva’ personality is so refreshing, and you will surely have a lasting impression on our group - - I can’t wait to find other opportunities to use you!
Alyssa Coberly doTerra

Your talk at the REX roundtable event was, by far, the highlight of the IHRSA convention for me. I laughed, cried and was moved and motivated. Your message was impactful to all members of my group, male and female alike. Thank you and I look forward to hearing you again! Barbara Lubbers Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club “Terry has performed as the keynote speaker for our annual convention twice, on both occasions her presentations were brilliant. She is able to engage the audience with energy and genuine empathy. Her knowledge and experience provides an anchor for us to feel safe, then Terry leads us on a journey of possibilities that is both inspirational and transformational. The best part is that four years after her first presentation our delegates are still talking about how their lives changed for the better and how they now passionately use the behavioural tools Terry provided them with.
Rob Anderson - Chief Executive Best Western Australasia

The feedback from people all weekend was amazing!  Other speakers also referenced your presentation and their  feedback was sensational!  Great work – incredible content!
Matt Alderton - Franchise Owner of 4 Subway Stores

What a fantastic thrill to see you speak again – I come away from your sessions with the most amazing energy!  Everybody in my office was truly inspired by your session .......You are truly an inspiration – I am very proud to be a Terry Hawkins convert! ......... you should be very proud of your accomplishments and the positive influence you have had on thousands of lives across the world!
Michelle Bryant - ReMAX 1st Class

What an amazing impact you had on our delegates at our global conference. This is the first time ever that a speaker has received a standing ovation at one of our conferences. Your vitality, energy and raw passion was overwhelming. Thank you for making it such a successful event.
Chris Beer - CEO, Luxottica

Terry's enthusiasm instantaneously connects her with her audience, allowing her to project her message to people who are listening intently with expectations of more to come. She is a very skilled, powerful presenter with an infectious charm, a beautifully clear voice and boundless energy.
OAMPS Insurance Brokers
Excellent. The delegates enjoyed Terri's presentation. Feedback was that she was very motivating, entertaining, humorous and thought provoking.
Wow!!! What can I say? Terry Hawkins is absolutely fantastic!!! This woman is the most amazing and inspiring speaker I have ever listened to. Her presentation, delivery and energy are second to none. She made us roar with laughter, question our beliefs, challenge ourselves, shed a few tears but most importantly stretch our horizons and believe in ourselves. Her message is so powerful and yet so simple. Thank you so much for recommending her.
Century 21
I have seen many speakers in recent years, some made me laugh, others passed on a fantastic message, but not many can do both at the same time like you. Your message gave me a greater understanding of who I was and what I wanted to be.
First National Real Estate
Just wanted to again say that I thought you gave an outstanding presentation to the Freedom Conference. I had a number of our people telling me you were the best presenter they had ever seen and that they were keen to implement change in their working and personal lives immediately. No doubt the legacy you have will remain with our people for quite some time.
Freedom Group
I just wanted to let you know you did a fantastic job at our national conference last week. The feedback from my people was overwhelmingly positive and the highlight for many.
Goodman Fielder Field Operations
Thank you again for a 'GREAT' morning. To hear others come back to us saying that they are dragging themselves back out of the pit and thanking us for choosing you as our guest speaker, is indeed a great reflection on your ability to connect with a crowd, regardless of their work or social background. One of the owners of a franchisee rang me on the following Monday to tell me that you touched something in her to such a degree that you have changed her outlook on life. The positive energy that you infused into the crowd was explosive even to the last farewell of the day. Terry was the best speaker we have had. Everyone said she was fantastic!
Harvey World Travel
Terry was amazing and anyone who was not motivated by her was not listening – she was one of the best speakers I have heard and I have heard a few. I talk to my staff about ‘stick man’ and ‘the pit’ – its basic stuff but so powerful.
IGA Supermarkets
Terry was absolutely dynamite. The best I have seen – I cannot believe her energy.
IGT Australia
I can honestly say that I have never seen a group of people become an inspired, cohesive team in such a short time. It is a great testament to your abilities that these people left the conference in a highly motivated state and continue to be incredibly positive about all facets of their job and family life.
Before an audience of approximately 400 people (mainly men), Terry captivated their attention for a non stop energy filled presentation. I recommend her as a wonderfully entertaining, talented and interesting speaker.
League's Clubs Australia
Terry Hawkins would be close to the best motivational speaker that I have encountered in twenty years of education. Terry is intelligent, dynamic and passionate . . . our students were fully engrossed for the full 90 minutes.
Loreto College, Ballarat
Terry, I personally appreciated the care you took in researching and preparing for the presentation. Thanks for a job masterfully done, and for making a difference at Manchester Unity.
Manchester Unity
THANK YOU so much for your presentation to our sales team. The feedback we have had from everyone in the team has been serious “Stickman” talk! Everyone was as excited and motivated as I was when I first saw you at our Marketing Conference.
Merck Sharp & Dohme
You were described as the new Amanda Gore . . . Terry, you exceeded my expectations and touched many people not only by the content of your address, but the shear passion and personality you exude. Whilst your performance was a delight, you yourself are a delight!
Everyone is still talking about the positive impact Terry’s presentation had.
Orlando Wyndham
Terry’s approach was a breath of fresh air. I have been able to look at myself in similar situations that were covered make adjustments where I feel I can do better. I was thrilled to see such energy and passion from “the youngsters”. I would not only want to employ them but want to work with them also.
Prospect Liquorstop
Terry not only had the delegates laughing but also listening intently to the message that she was bringing to them. Two months have passed and we still have Principals and Property Managers talking about her session.
Ray White Real Estate
Terry, a short note to say thanks for the great presentation. They all loved you, including me!
Richard Finney Luncheon Club NZ
As the first up speaker on a Saturday morning after a presentation dinner, her enthusiasm and energy combined with the message set the scene for the rest of the morning.
Rural Press Ltd
Very driven – got all the 200 mostly men doing what she wanted – with an excellent message. She worked very well with me to make it work.
A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE! We are still talking about PITMAN and STICKMAN! …What an amazing and powerful machine we have in our skulls … Terry made sense and made what is sometimes complicated, very simple.
Terry, your presentations were amazing! You have been the highest scoring presenter of all time which is really something at one of our conferences. Our team are seasoned conference goers who can be tough to impress and they all loved you! You’ll be back next year without a doubt! Thank you.

Yum Australia (inc KFC, Pizza Hut, Sizzler, …)