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Key Points for The Honourable Joe Hockey

  • The Honourable Joe Hockey is renown for his authority in commerce and politics in Australia, the United States and around the world.
  • Mr Hockey served in the Australian Parliament for nearly twenty years.
  • He was in charge of the portolios of financial services, health and welfare delivery, employment, workplace relations, small business and tourism.
  • Later serving as Treasurer of Australia, he was responsible for the Australian economy.
  • Mr Hockey served as Chair of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers Group in 2014.
  • He also served as Australia's Ambassador to the United States of America under both President Obama and President Trump; and is known for his negotiation with the Trump Administrator on issues such as the enforcement of refugee agreements and exemptions from all Trump Administration tariffs and quotas.   
  • After retiring from his post as Ambassador, Mr Hockey now provides strategy and tactical advice to businesses in areas ranging from infrastructure and investment to cyber security and politics.

Topics for The Honourable Joe Hockey

  • Commerce
  • Politics

Testimonials for The Honourable Joe Hockey