Tony Sloman Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Tony Sloman

  • Tony Sloman is an inspiring and transformational speaker, facilitator, coach and actor. He has been practising his craft for over 35 years’ in countries all over the world.
  • Passion and Purpose is Tony's lifetime’s achievement. It is a unique methodology that empowers leaders to Own their Space – just as Tony has done through professional and personal adversity.
  • His clients include The Australian Federal Government, NSW/Qld government, Tiffany and Co, Qantas, The Lowy Institute, Perpetual. and he has coached executives from The Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, Perpetual, Network Seven, QBE, Cannon.
  • Tony trained as a professional actor at the prestigious Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London where he was awarded the Principal’s Prize for outstanding achievement across the entire 800+ student population. His teachers are globally recognised educators in voice, communication, body-language, script interpretation, character portrayal, emotional intelligence.
  • Tony has worked as a performer all over the world; in some of the most famous Theatres in Britain, Film, TV, Commercials, Corporate Media and Radio. He has worked and trained with some of the leading Actors/Directors/Writers in Britain (past and present); Nigel Hawthorn, Daniel Craig, Ewan McGregor, Nick Hytner, Alan Bennett, Toby Whithouse and Tony shares some hilarious (+ not so hilarious) stories that reflect that journey.
  • Tony is university educated in Drama and Science (Psychology, Information Technology, Accounting, Philosophy), and has qualified as an organisational coach and in adult education.


Topics for Tony Sloman

  • Mind-Body Language
    MBL is a completely new spin on how we can transform a performance to captivate our listeners. So, we understand how the body can be used to create a ‘performance’ - Tony goes several steps further to show us how to incorporate our mind, our ‘vocal instrument’ and the environment to unleash our purpose and our passion.

  • Don’t Mention Rejection
    Every sales person, every leader and everybody wants acceptance - as this opens every door to success. Tony explores the physiological, psychological and evolutionary mechanisms that undermine our ability to gain acceptance well before we get in the room.

  • Own Your Space
    OYS, a cornerstone principal of Tony’s Passion and Purpose methodology is about owning our right to speak, our right to be in a position of authority… our right to determine the outcomes we seek. OYS resonates with all audiences, particularly aspiring leaders and organisations who want to future-proof their people.

  • Greater than the Fear of Death
    Public speaking holds the enviable position of being the most potent of all fears. Tony cracks the ‘code’ and frees his audience so they can find pleasure rather than pain when they are asked to front up for the next business pitch, presentation or high-stakes meeting

  • Present with Passion and Purpose
    Tony shows us that we are ‘presenting’ in every area of our life; whether it is asserting our voice at home, with friends or at work or fronting up to a job interview, a performance review or in front of a camera. Tony brings together his experience in all forms of media, 15 years’ in business and the power of visualisation – sharing some fascinating stories and lessons from the performing arts, corporate life and from fatherhood.

  • From Influence to Affluence
    Tony teaches us some powerful mechanisms that underly our ability to influence and persuade our listeners. Tony teaches us how to structure our messages and how to bring them to life when we are ‘under the spotlight’.

  • Bore no More
    For everyone that needs to present technical information; lawyers, finance executives, engineers, IT professionals – this humorous spin on how to bring technical presentations to life is both entertaining and inspirational. Tony provides the techniques that can turn any jargon into Shakespeare and demonstrates how we must no longer hide behind a Powerpoint deck – after all Jeff Bezos has banned it.

  • The Currency of Connection
    Tony uncovers his methodology around Connection and how this is the glue that binds audience to speaker, employee to organisational vision and how it brings us closer to our purpose. Tony has an extraordinary ability to connect with his listeners and he shares his unique process of ‘Intra-Connection’, ‘Inter-Connection’ and ‘Spatial-Connection’ – a formula that has transformed so many leaders

Testimonials for Tony Sloman

Tony, thank you contributing to another big year as our keynote speaker. I have no doubt at all that our inaugural regional event was successful as much for the part you played as anything we did on the day, very grateful for your support. The Community of finance professionals was thrilled with the attendance we achieved however I think we can say it was your keynote that kept them there, so thank you!
NSW Public Sector Community of Finance Professionals

Tony is an incredible teacher and mentor from instilling confidence in the way I present and engage with others not only professionally but also in social environments. I cannot Thank Tony enough for his insight, vision and direction. I highly recommend everyone to connect with Tony to develop key habits in furthering their growth. If you are not moving forward then you are moving backwards; we can always get better by refining and tuning ourselves daily.
PwC Australia

Tony, I Just wanted to formally thank you for the two 'engage & inspire your listener' workshops you provided Swaab. The feedback I have received from across the firm has been resoundingly positive. Most participants thought it was an extremely positive experience and met workshop objectives. While most, have also requested follow-up practical sessions. I truly feel you struck a chord with everyone who attended, senior partner to junior lawyer. I look forward to our next collaboration with Passion and Purpose. Sincere thanks.
Business Manager
Swaab Attorneys

Attending Tony's public speaking workshop was one of the most beneficial things I have done by ways of professional development. The course is so much more than a simple confidence workshop. The communication techniques taught are so beneficial that there is not a staff member, business leader or client I have not recommended Tony and Passion and Purpose to.
Nimic Productions

After attending Tony's one day Passion and Purpose presentation workshop, I have seen immediate improvements in my presentation skills. What sets Tony apart from others is his focus on authenticity, with tailored tips to individual attendees based on his stage techniques during multiple hands-on practices throughout the day. Personally, the performance aspect of the workshop developed my confidence and presentation abilities. Tony encouraged us to incorporate a new technique and feedback each time we present. By the end of the day, I was able to confidently utilise many techniques I learned on the day in my presentations and I felt I was able to perform and engage the audience! Thank you, Tony for the opportunity and I am still practicing and ustiling many of the techniques I learnt on the day in my many high stake communication sessions!
Risk Advisor
Suncorp Group

Tony has helped me previously and again just now with my success as a public speaker for radio and TV interviews. He inspired me with confidence and the ability to do a much better job and feel really comfortable in the spotlight ... making it great fun ...Thanks Tony.
Senior Specialist Geriatrician and Physician

I engaged Tony to coach me on a presentation I had to give in front of forty people, the thought of which initially terrified me. To say he is a master of his craft is an understatement! He went above and beyond and taught me to openly embrace my vulnerability and connect with the audience in a way that would inspire them. His techniques, skill, care and passion for coaching performers was evident throughout our preparation and practice, and on the day of the performance I was able to effortlessly get into the zone and actually have fun. My confidence as a public speaker has increased and I have learned that the art of performing is authenticity. Tony’s skill as a performance coach is exceptional and I highly recommend his services.
Melissa Katz
Life and Family Coach

I recently attended Tony Sloman’s course, "Present with passion and Purpose". Tony delivers a powerful workshop and I left at the end of the day with immediate skills to put into practice in all areas of my life. This is a practical training day and all attendees gained something they were looking for. Tony is an excellent facilitator and made all attendees feel comfortable and confident under the pressure of vulnerability. Thank you!
Castaway Forecasting

I had the immense pleasure of recently attending Tony’s Passion and Purpose workshop, with thanks to my company for encouraging me to participate. The night before, I was a mixed bag of nerves and excitement; nervous because I’m usually not great at communicating with strangers, let alone a roomful of them, and excited because I knew getting out of my comfort zone is a sign of growth. Tony beautifully crafted a safe space for all the attendees to share their stories and life experiences without fear of judgement. As the day unfolded, it felt like each of us were drawing strength from one another and eventually I gathered the courage to be vulnerable in delivering a message I thought was important. As I said goodbye to Tony at the end of the workshop, he told me to have faith (in myself). Having heard this well over a dozen times, I was pleasantly surprised when I left the room feeling more sure of myself and a lot more confident in using my voice and space to get my message across.
Castaway Forecasting

A learning experience that will change the way you look at yourself and others.
Workshop participant from a large IT organisation

After just a day’s work in this program with Tony I feel empowered to face and conquer my fear of speaking of public. I feel equipped with tools I can apply in my professional and personal life. Thank you so much Tony.
Workshop participant from a large financial services company