Aurelie Salvaire Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event
Key Points for Aurelie Salvaire
- Past curator of TEDxBarcelonaWomen, TEDxBarcelonaEducation & TEDxBarcelonaChange.
- Coaching of international TEDx speakers in French, English and Spanish since 2012.
- Former Member of +SocialGood, Global Connectors.
- Past collaborations with Oxfam Spain, Ashoka France, Unreasonable institute.
Topics for Aurelie Salvaire
- How to leverage storytelling for social impact
- Introduction to social business
- From fear to love. What can we learn from positive psychology?
- The world needs a new type of leader
- The business case for gender equity
- How to bridge the confidence and ambition gap
- Masculinities in XXIst century. Redefining manhood
- Why we need more female storytellers
- How do we socialize our kids
- Leverage sports as an empowerment tool
- We live in a Mad men world
- Lets talk about sex
- Why we need more women in tech
- Words matter: Talking about language and public speaking
- Gender and urbanism: how to build women-friendly cities?
- Why we need more women to run for office
- Women and money: a love and hate relationship
- Are you subconsciously biased?
- Why diversity is the new darwinism
- Is our world a dangerous place for women? Why?
- How is media reinforcing gender stereotypes?
- What is cool feminism?
- Which strategies do new generation social activists leverage to make impact?
- The role of myths and stories in the creation of a domination system?
- Which are the original solutions shifting the balance around the world in the Middle East?
Workshops topics (from 2 hours to full day)
- Storytelling workshop (10-15 participants)
Learn how to find your WHY and expose it in a TEDx format. Learn how to improve interpersonal communication. - Diversity and inclusion workshop
Uncovering your privilege and subconscious biases - Busting bias workshop
A very interactive workshop assessing where stereotypes affect you in a very concrete way in your daily life - Gender neutral parenting
How to raise confident daughters and emotionally intelligent sons? - Youth empowerment
Deconstructing narratives, teaching soft skills as confidence building and emotional literacy. - Awareness for media or advertisement professionals on gender stereotypes
- Masculinity 2.0
What does it mean to be a man in 2018?