Dr Sam Hazledine Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event
Key Points for Dr Sam Hazledine
- Sam specialises in enabling people to see what they are truly capable of, providing them tools and strategies to achieve it, and inspiring them to willing take action.
- The Ernst & Young ‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year’, Sam is the founder and Managing Director of Australasia’s fastest growing recruitment company, MedRecruit, which has featured in the Deloitte Fast 50 as the fastest growing service business in the country.
- Sam is the author of Head First – The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Doctors, and Unfair Fight – Give Your Small Business the Winning Advantage, published by Random House Publishing.
- Sam believes that success lies at the intersection of mindset and action, he is passionate about lifting people’s sights so they can see what’s possible, and sharing the lessons he has learned to get anyone into that sweet spot, where success becomes inevitable.
Topics for Dr Sam Hazledine
- The Three Elements of Long-Term Success
- How to almost guarantee success in any area of life
- The Three Foundations of High Performance
- How to ensure you operate at your best consistently
- Results Workshop
- The six-step program to focus teams and create results
- Leadership
- The three foundations of a high performance culture
- Making the vision real
- The mindset of change
- Fanatical Balance
- How to create excellence in what's important - why 'balance' is not the goal
- Sam will share how he creates excellence in all areas of his life without compromising his family
- The Three Foundations to Create a Fast 50 Company
- How to give your business an unfair advantage
- Accelerating the Diffusion of Innovation
- How to launch an innovative product of service and leapfrog the adoption curve
- Improved Outcomes for Medical Professionals
- Sam addresses the simple hidden problem that exists in the medical industry and shares simple and effective solutions to effective solutions to effectively address it
- Doing More with Less in Healthcare While Improving Quality
- 59.5% of healthcare spending is on staffing. Sam addresses the problem that is driving cost-cutting and impacting quality and how to address this to do more with less
Testimonials for Dr Sam Hazledine
The charisma and passion with which you delivered your presentation was inspiring and enlightening, and left a clear impression on my sailors. Following your presentation I know there will be sailors who have changed their mind-set, become hungrier for success and determined their current situation to determine to change.
Rear Admiral Jack Steer ONZM
Chief of Navy
New Zealand
Twelve out of Ten.
Sir Graham Henry
Coach of the World Champion 2011 All Blacks
(You’ll enjoy) Sam’s contagious enthusiasm. He’s part of our family forever.
Anthony Robbins
Peak Performance, one of Time Magazine’s '100 Most Influential People'
Your presentation was the best I have ever seen.
Diane Foreman ONZM
Former Deputy Chairwoman
Business Roundtable
As a professional speaker and as a professional sportsman having listened to many professional speakers I have come across very few people with the ability to move an audience such as Sam does. I have been privileged to be able to watch Sam at close quarters build a business... the guy is a freak in terms of what he has done in such a short time period, he walks his talk. If you get the chance to hear him speak or to have him speak at your event then grab it, he’s outstanding.
Richard Petrie
Former Blackcap and Current Professional Speaker and Marketing guru
Your David and Goliath parable was an inspired choice and it was quite simply one of the best pitches we have ever seen around the judging table. It was a privilege to hear from you. You set an incredibly high standard in what was arguably the best group of finalists we have ever had.
Greg Cross
Head Judge
Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year
Sam is a future rich-lister who attacks life with bursting passion. He has been successful in all areas of his life but that’s not to say he hasn't had his ups and downs. Sam’s address to the marketing group I attended was the highlight of the day (and there were lots of other good bits). He distilled down the teachings of life coaches, other successful people and lessons from his own life and business experiences into a terrific brand of edutainment that had every person in the room take a fresh look at their own approach to life and business. We all left with some very useful tools that were immediately usable. I suspect people will pay a lot of money to hear Sam speak in the future.
Barney Montgomery
The Clinical Trials Institute
Sam is a leader, a motivator and a true business success story simply because his core values are genuinely caring for the doctors that put their trust in him and MedRecruit. Sam is one of the few that I have worked with that has the unique gift of inspiration, passion and empathy, this is why so many doctors and individuals have been positively impacted by his business and his teachings and this book is yet another proof statement to his on-going commitment to bettering the lives of medical doctors across the planet.
Garry Kewish
Professional Speaker
Best Selling Author and Business Profitability Strategist, The Wealth Factory
Dr. Sam Hazledine is 'the' thought leader in the new breed of visionary physicians who understand that to succeed in life, and as a professional, you need Head, Heart and Guts. Aside from his infectious enthusiasm, unstoppable passion for people and advocacy for living full out this insightful book shows and tells how to design a roadmap for success that includes having life work for you versus working hard to have a life. His message is both straightforward and profound: There's nothing incompatible about merging the values of Mother Theresa and Wall Street; in fact, being a compassionate contribution driven professional with entrepreneurial smarts allows one to give more while having something valuable left over for yourself - the essence of a great life. If you haven't heard of Dr. Sam Hazledine or benefitted from his revolutionary approach to life design, do yourself a favour, read his book!
Dr. Jay Kent-Ferraro
Ph.D., MBA, Clinician, Consultant & Author
We engaged Sam to come and deliver the key-note address at our annual meeting for the New Zealand Organisation of Quality. His address was fantastic and not at all what I was expecting, in fact it really exceeded our expectations! The audience loved it and were certainly entertained, and just as importantly they all seemed to get a lot of really useful information and were inspired to make positive changes in their lives. A lot of people came up to Sam afterwards and thanked him for delivering such inspiration to them. In these troubled economic times Sam’s enthusiasm and inspiration are coming at the right time for people to hear what he has to say. I would highly recommend getting him to speak at anyone’s event if you get the opportunity.
Craig Thornton
Pacific Consulting
Sam Hazledine’s presentation captured me, and was interestingly self affirming for me personally, and as I listened, I thought the message would appeal to many across the age-span. It takes a lot for me to approach a complete stranger and tell them I am inspired by their speech and that I believed my son was in the right space to get something out of the message too despite suffering bipolar disease. Sam kindly offered me a copy of his speech for my son, my son viewed it and then sat through it again with a friend, both are 23 and appeared to gain something from it, neither of them articulated exactly what it was, but were pretty thoughtful after it, his friend then said he wouldn’t mind watching it again at some-stage. I would encourage anyone to listen to Sam and make their own minds up and I am sure they will benefit from something in Sam’s presentation.
Annette Finlay
The day finished in brilliant style with Sam Hazledine from MedRecruit, one of the fastest growing recruitment firms in Australasia. Sam is Ernst & Young’s 2012 Young Entrepreneur of the year and winner of the 2013 RCSA PEARL Award, and has exceptionally high energy and passion for our industry. Everybody left after Sam’s session inspired to drive their businesses to greater success
Paul Robinson
MRCSA, RCSA NZ President