Jonathan Holloway Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Jonathan Holloway

  • Jonathan Holloway has spoken at TEDx and has presented keynotes to some of the world’s top companies: Rio Tinto, IBM/CISCO and NAB, to name a few.
  • Is a highly acclaimed international chief executive, artistic director, consultant, writer and speaker with over 30 years professional experience in flagship organisations across two hemispheres.
  • He was commissioned by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to devise a creative vision for The Crystal Palace and Park, a major new cultural destination for London, supported by a planned £500million from the ZhonRong Group in China.
  • He has won the rarely awarded and prestigious Helpmann Award for Best Special Event three times in five years.
  • As an Artistic Director, Jonathan Holloway commissioned Philip Glass to write and perform his final three etudes and engaged Thom Yorke to DJ his 21st birthday party, pre-Radiohead.
  • He was the mastermind of the largest single arts event Australia has ever seen entitled Walking with Giants. This was a global first, where 1.4 million people spent three days walking with giants through the main streets of Perth.
  • Following his incredible achievements, he was made an Honorary Citizen of the City of Perth, an honour shared by just four other people, including Hillary Clinton.
  • Has MC’d and facilitated hundreds of events around the world, live and online, and across every sector, including the Professional Speakers Association Annual Conventions in Australia (live onstage) and in Spain (on Zoom). 

Topics for Jonathan Holloway

  • Inspiration is everything
    It transforms good ideas into great ideas, it lifts people and unities teams, unlocking happiness and success .

    Inspiration not only creates the first spark, but also propels the development of the vision, and fuels the strategy that drives every great success story.

    It is inspiration you need to plant the seed, to keep it growing, help it reach for the sky, to nurture the roots and branches until you have created a new Amazon.

    It is inspiration that you must give to those around you to truly achieve your goals.

    The risks associated with lacking inspiration are huge, and the the consequences for you and your company will be critical.
    • Uninspiring leaders miss both targets and opportunities, are deserted by the brightest and the best.
    • Uninspired teams phone it in and feck it up, drag everything and everyone downwards.
    • inspiring leaders make work enjoyable and profits increase, become magnets for success and talent.
    • inspired teams can deliver anything, and from anywhere, are motivated, energised, creative, industrious.

You can't wait for inspiration … You have to hotwire your systems if you want to truly achieve post-pandemic success.

Whilst leading some of the largest festivals in the world, Jonathan Holloway identified that inspiration has a series of distinct stages, each one requiring a different set of tools and tricks.

In his keynotes and workshops Jonathan shares the secrets that guarantee increased inspiration for you and your teams, and how you can use them to transform all your interactions and collaborations.

  • MC / Facilitator
    Jonathan can work with you on how to structure and design your conference or meeting or event, advising on the best platform, ideas, schedule and potential guests, in order to make the event totally unforgettable and utterly effective.

    During the event, his energetic and enthusiastic style puts energy into the room and excites the participants in a way that ensures the messages last long after the event has finished.

    Online, Jonathan plays Zoom like Jean-Michel Jarre plays keyboards: improvising between imaginative camera use and real-time polling, interactive chat and Q&As, great imagery and energising musical stings, in order to create the excitement normally reserved for a major conference stage.

    At the end of the event, he will humorously and smartly wrap the whole thing up by re-landing the key points from the event,  making a line through the whole thing, suggesting how to use what you’ve learned, and ultimately make the audience leave on an incredible high, with action points to carry them into the next months.

    Post-event, Jonathan will do a five minute to-camera piece with a more prepared summing up, reflecting on the event and restating key points and learnings, that can be distributed to attenders and other interested parties.

Testimonials for Jonathan Holloway

During his time (leading the Norfolk & Norwich Festival) audiences increased tenfold, tickets sales tripled, there were whole host of international stars, hugely popular outdoor events. This man really has a Midas touch...
Margaret Throsby
ABC Radio, Australia

I have just witnessed the best MC I have seen so far, in all the years I’ve been doing this - Jonathan Holloway. You’ve got to have him at your next event, live or online.
Ian Stephens
Speaker, Trainer, Author

Jonathan is a great orator and teller of stories. His blue-sky thinking is a huge talent that he then translates into reality and delivers these wondrous events for audiences to talk about for years to come ... they always come out saying ‘that was amazing, really enjoyed the presentation and the humour.
Rio Tinto

Fantastic and even better that he stayed around at the end for a few hours talking to delegates and hearing their stories. A great presenter which extended to great interaction amongst the delegates.
Aquatics and Recreation Victoria

Jonathan was the stand out presenter at the conference and took the audience on a unique behind the scenes journey of the Giants. Funny and inspiring he gave us insightful and practical take aways to use in our own journey and most importantly dared us to be visionary and creative in all aspects of our lives.
2018 Asia Pacific Venue Industry Congress

A great orator and teller of stories, he has that unique ability to create wonder in audiences. Jonathan has presented to our employees on many occasions and they always come out saying 'that was amazing, really enjoyed the presentation and the humour’.
Community Investment, Rio Tinto

Jonathan is a dream to work with, a force of nature. Passionate, funny, highly effective plus an accomplished artist.  He's got great guts and artistic vision.
Kate Miller-Heidke

Jonathan transformed a street performance into a discussion on IT, systems and infrastructure with insight, humour and enthusiasm.
IBM/Cisco Systems

I saw this guy speak at the recent National Convention. In one word… brilliant! Crawl over broken glass to be there!
Past National President
Professional Speakers Australia

Jonathan Holloway’s lessons and reflections will re-focus your team on what’s important in perhaps the most engaging and entertaining way you’ve experienced for some time. 
Wyndham City Council

Brilliant - funny, inspiring, highly intelligent, deeply empathetic, audaciously mischievous. I’d like to see him at more conferences and events, making people laugh, feel, think and then go out and do something special. 
Andrew Horabin
Keynote Speaker

Jonathan’s bespoke, enigmatic and audacious style had delegates hanging on his every word. Intelligent, inspiring and highly entertaining. 
Australian Performing Arts Centres Association

Jonathan has a giant message and method for each and every conference group, organisation, person. Through laughter, thoughtfulness and story he creates everyday meaning for how we can ‘Festivalise’ our businesses/lives and the benefit that such innovation, creativity, organisational skill and collaboration brings. Each of us can learn from the Art of business and the Art of life. Have your convention go way beyond the conventional - go Gigantic and get Jonathan!
Glenn Capelli
Professional Speakers Australia ‘Keynote Speaker of the Year 2013’

His passion is contagious, and is bound to inspire staff, supporters and audiences alike.
Governor of Victoria