Justin Herald Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Justin Herald

  • Justin Herald is the creator of Attitude Inc., a clothing brand which became an international licensing success, creating a turnover in excess of $20 million per year.
  • Founder and Managing Director of ReferUs.com and Customer Culture.
  • Author of 8 international bestsellers.
  • International Entrepreneur of the Year 2005 and recipient of the Future Leaders Award.
  • Regularly interviewed by all media outlets on topics including business and growth, sales, marketing, customer service, entrepreneurship and success.

Topics for Justin Herald

  • The Year of the Customer – What’s your Competitive Edge
    This keynote  is all about how to get your customers spending more, referring more as well as the 6 areas customers are looking for when dealing with a business. It also covers the 5 levels of Customer Experience.

  • From Followers to Fans (F2F) - How to be your customers first and only choice!
    Business owners across the globe are all trying to get their customers attention. Offering specials, limited offers and exclusive deals just to keep their current customers (followers) engaged. What if there was an easier way to turn those customers (Followers) into Raving Fans (Loyal Customers)? Well there is, and it isn't as hard as people assume. Today we need to really understand not only consumer behaviour, but also consumer desire. Gone are the days that we just expect a customer to stay loyal because they "like" our products. The consumer has more CHOICE than ever before. Justin will show you, in 6 simple steps, how your business can be the only choice for your customers. Understanding how to stand out from your competitors is key.
  • How to grow a business without spending a cent
    This presentation revolves around how I took my last $50 and turned it into a global brand (Attitude Inc) that turned over $37 million. This presentation, whilst is jammed pack full of practical and take-home tips that can be applied by the audience, it will also have them rolling with laughter. A Very Popular Presentation!

  • The Cycle Of A Sale
    This presentation will show any audience how consumers actually buy and will teach them to look out for the signs on how to not only close the sale quicker, but also how to ensure they are getting repeat business. I show how every business needs to go after what I call “The Customers Customer” to increase sales and reach. Once again this is a very entertaining presentation.

  • The M.E. Factor
    This presentation is all about educating the audience on how customers want to be treated and the 8 factors that are non-negotiable in today’s market. As every business is trying to stand out from their competitors, this will show them how to do that by understanding what the customers is actually wanting.

  • Tailored Sales and Service Training
    Hands on and face to face sales training seems to be something of the past these days for businesses. Sure you can do “online training” but that will not have the same effect or outcomes as your staff being taught directly.

    Justin is passionate about sales and due to his history, selling is something he knows a lot about and loves.

    Justin delivers a sales training program called “The Cycle Of A Sale” where he teaches staff how to understand where the customer is within the sales process which in turn allows them to close the sale quicker, enhances repeat business and increases referrals by your customers.

    If you are seriously wanting to increase your sales and bottom line ( I mean who isn’t… Right?) then contact Justin today to see how he can tailor a sales training course for your staff.

  • Frontline staff half day workshop
    Throughout the workshop the participants discover how the customer actually thinks and what they expect. This is a very practical hands on workshop. Participants leave with skills that can be immediately applied to their jobs.
    • Participants will learn how to deal with difficult customers.
    • How to overcome objections.
    • How to use the customer as a sales person.
    • How to change the culture within the department and business.
    • Evolution not Revolution with regards to customer service.
    • Understanding the issues that are present within the current service culture.
    • How to increase per customer sales by implementing the ME Factor system.
    • How to keep customers loyal and stop them shopping around online and potentially losing the customer to your competitors.
  • Sales floor staff pre work session
    • Phantom shopping experience to gain the current customers experience Identify and produce improvements to the customer culture to be implemented at the staff session.
    • Pre or post work workshop, 30-45min pending staff availability to identify improvements and introduce new customer culture systems.
    • Post workshop assistance to ensure new customer culture is implemented involving watching and coaching staff as required.
    • A summary of the staff who attended and identify strengths and struggles for future staff training.
  • Get Justin to speak at your conference
    Justin Herald the Managing Director of Customer Culture is known globally for not only taking a business (Attitude Inc.) from $50 to a multi-million dollar International Licensing success with products sold all over the world, but for also starting other highly successful businesses.

    Justin’s expertise in the areas of Sales, Marketing, Customer Culture and Customer Retention is in high demand by companies not only here in Australia but also overseas as well.

    If you are looking for a speaker to present to your staff either at a conference of to your staff on site, then Justin would be the best choice. His actual runs on the board make his presentation stand out from others as he doesn’t talk about “theories” he has heard about, it’s actual tried and proven methods.


Testimonials for Justin Herald

Thank you Justin for presenting at our staff conference on The Cycle of a Sale. Your content was absolutely perfect for them and even we the management learnt new things and great new ways to re-engage with our clients. The staff have already implemented many principles that you shared.
Operations Manager
Nexgen Group Call Centre

I want to thank you for the being an awesome guest speaker. Our 250 restaurant managers that attended the presentation were extremely complimentary of you, your personality, knowledge around business and the current customer environment. You were the best guest speaker I have ever experienced... I have been with McDonalds  for over 17 years and seen A LOT of them. I must say that you related your experience with customers and their expectations seamlessly to how we want to market our brand. Thank you for your energy, passion for customer engagement and being a "call it like it is" type of person. Your personal brand is refreshing and will definitely continue to bring you well deserved success in the future.
McDonald's Australia Ltd

The facts speak for themselves. Ninety seven percent of the audience who provided feedback rated you either 'very good' or 'outstanding'. Quotes such as, ' excellent, a true inspiration", 'the best speaker I have ever heard'', 'the best start to any day' really made our event.
Thank you so much for being an inspiration and leaving our audience with a load of take home value.
Redcliffe City Council

Justin is the best speaker we have ever had for any of our conferences. His content, delivery style and messages rang plenty of bells and enabled us to end the conference on a high note. Thank you for making it such a success.

Thank you for such a significant contribution at the Roche Conference. Your ability to read the audience meant that you pitched your communications appropriately. You said it as you see it which made the audience sit up and take notice. The feedback we have received so far has been fantastic. In fact, from the moment we met you at the brief until the end of the conference, your professionalism and energy were well noted. We would be more than happy to recommend you to any organisation who is seeking an impactful, thought provoking and meaningful speaker.
Marketing Manager