Yvonne Adele Book as a speaker/entertainer for your next event

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Key Points for Yvonne Adele

  • National media profile including TV, magazines, radio, newspaper and online
  • Best selling 'Conquer Your Computer' in 2002. Adapting author of PC's for Dummies
  • Yvonne has MC'd a diverse range of events for many industries for 15+ years. As a testament to her success, she has been the resident MC for many years for high profile events such as ad:Tech: Sydney and NZ; iMedia Brand Summits: Gold Coast and NZ, iMedia Online Retail Summits: Gold Coast and NZ; Retail Global Gold Coast and Las Vegas
  • She thrives on being included in the event team and is delighted to be involved regular online meetings in the lead up to the event for brainstorming & planning
  • Yvonne has a very deep tech background, starting her career with Microsoft, where she worked in Australia, USA, Asia and the UK before she built a national TV profile in Australia as a technology authority which spun into her current speaking career. During that time, Yvonne has worked on consulting projects inside businesses of all sizes and industries
  • Yvonne will attend the workshops, the networking events, sit in the audience during the conference and even jump in when the registration desk is overloaded. Delegate experience is everything. The delegates feel at ease and are very well looked after by the event organisers when Yvonne is engaged as the MC

Topics for Yvonne Adele

    For any business audience
    Tapping into the joy and curiosity we get when we do something for the very first time, Yvonne challenges delegates to SWITCH just one element in a task which needs a fresh result. This is an inspirational keynote which sparks vital inclination in delegates to take action and revamp how the ‘DO’.
    Key learnings include:
    • Inspiring, relatable stories of success, where one small change made a huge difference
    • Identifying areas for business improvement
    • Applying fresh, creative thinking techniques to generate a SWITCH
    • Tools for teamwork and collaboration
    • A one-page-action plan to ensure the SWITCH sticks
  • 5 Pillars of Digital Marketing Success
    Great for Small Business audiences, Franchise groups, Associations
    In this session, Yvonne will UNPLUG social media. You will discover how you can STAND OUT amongst the conversations that are already going on in your area of expertise / industry. Rather than blind the delegates with science, this talk is practical and full of implementable tactics.
    Key learnings include:
    • How to make the technology work FOR you, finding new customers and extending your relationship with existing ones
    • The 5 Pillars for success: Website, Blog, Newsletter, Social Media, SEO/SEM
    • Where social media MUST fit into your marketing strategy
    • A system for fail-safe implementation: 10 minutes a day, 3 times a week 
    • The winning way to build a list of brand advocates (followers)
  • Consumer-Eye View of Your Brand: A Day in the Life
    For Marketing / Brand / Customer Service audiences in all business sizes: Small Business; Enterprise; Franchise; Association
    • The sophisticated strategies, tools and software we use to reach consumers have become so packed-full of data, science and tech that we're in danger of forgetting we're targeting humans.
    • Forget B2B and B2C - let's get back to basics and re-define it as B2H: Business to HUMAN.
    • In this insightful keynote, Yvonne Adele takes us beyond the avatar and buyer persona, directly into the life of the everyday consumer from the moment they wake up until the day is done. She deconstructs 'the consumer' into the many layers of context contained within. Along the journey, you'll see just how many screens our consumers interact with and get a birds-eye-view of the exposure to your marketing messages in an average day (and how much impact those messages have).
    • Not every 45-54yr old, self-employed, married, mother of three with an interest in fitness and travel is equal.... or are they?
  • Authority Building / Thought Leadership using LinkedIn & Twitter
    For Business Owners; Executives; Sales; Leadership; Personal Brand audiences
    LinkedIn and Twitter are powerful platforms to demonstrate your experience, expertise and build authority. With LinkedIn the good news is: most people are using it as a resume INSTEAD of a dynamic, multi-media broadcasting platform which demonstrates your authority and compels prospects to do business with you. Twitter is the most under-utilised professional eavesdropping tool we’ve ever seen.
    Key learnings include:
    • Compelling examples of best practice LinkedIn profiles within your industry and beyond
    • Vital tweaks you must make to your profile to have it working for you at full potential including Cover image, profile photo, headline, bio, summary, examples of your work
    • Understanding the concept of 'social selling' on LinkedIn and steps to become a superstar social seller/connector (how to leverage your brand to fill your pipeline with the right people, insights and relationships) 
    • Creating content using LinkedIn Articles (to find a whole new audience)
    • Curating content - how to find and share compelling content
    • The importance of LinkedIn Groups 
    • Keyboard shortcuts and LinkedIn tricks for power users
  • Better Brainstorming – From Disruption to Innovation
    For any business audience
    Yvonne believes everyone has unlimited ability to think creatively about everyday challenges, and she is on a mission to show people how to unleash those hidden talents. She calls it a ‘friendly poke in the eye’.
    Every conference aims to stimulate, educate and inspire new ways of thinking. So why not harness this energy by holding an “Ideas Summit” at your event? In this engaging and practical think tank, Yvonne will facilitate a powerful idea-sparking process, using the participant’s actual business challenges to help them generate mountains of ideas.
    Key learnings include:
    • A systematic, fresh and simple way to approach idea generation
    • Useful method for identifying the challenge
    • Effective activities to generate sophisticated ideas
    • A practical system for evaluating the best ideas
    • Most importantly, the creation of a one-page action & implementation plan to ensure the ideas are swiftly brought to life back at the office

Testimonials for Yvonne Adele

Yvonne gets a room buzzing with ideas in just a few minutes and keeps the pace going throughout the session. Not only does she provide the format for ideas creation but also defines a system for capturing them and following through – the key ingredient often ignored by others. This is real high value stuff and certainly can super charge the innovation of any company. Highly recommended!
Sampford IXL

We were impressed with the way you kept the energy levels in the team up throughout the day. We now have a toolkit to bring fresh approaches to problem solving and idea generation.

Thank you for the very practical way you engaged with the group. The feedback showed that they would now be able to come up with a creative solution if they just followed your easy steps.
Ernst & Young

Yvonne not only helped us hone our ideas, she provided tools for immediate implementation.

Very well received by our delegates. Very different – exactly what I wanted. Yvonne developed great interaction with the group.
LJ Hooker

The hallmark of someone who genuinely knows her subject is that she can pass on her knowledge and skills to others in a way that makes it all seem so simple. Yvonne epitomises that, and her enthusiasm for her subject is infectious.
Small Business Owner 

Exceptionally positive feedback from your session. All too often people take a one-size-fits-all approach to these sessions. It was really appreciated that you took the time to research our challenges and come back with some really positive and constructive strategies for business improvement.
Australian Booksellers Association

Yvonne’s absolute enjoyment of what she does makes her a great presenter and her anecdotes make her presentation relevant to everyone.

Thanks for being a part of our Shop Small events around Australia with David Koch and Michael Klim. We’ve received really positive feedback particularly on your Online Marketing content which the small business owners found extremely valuable. We look forward to working with you again.

Informative, vibrant and funny. The tips within your talk had people calling me the next day letting me know how handy they were and others wanted to pass on that they had followed your instructions!
Department of Finance and Administration

For over 7 years, we’ve been delighted to work with Yvonne Adele at our annual conferences in Las Vegas & Gold Coast. Yvonne does her research and really cares about the online retail industry. Our audience, staff, exhibitors and speakers love her. Yvonne is professional, hard-working, loyal, en-point and fast of mind and feet if anything goes south. We highly recommend Yvonne.
Retail Global

Very good take away information and very entertaining for participants.
Local Government Association of SA

We were impressed with the way you kept the energy levels in the team up throughout the day. We now have a toolkit to bring fresh approaches to problem solving and idea generation.
National Australia Bank

Thank you for the very practical way you engaged with the group. The feedback showed that they would now be able to come up with a creative solution if they just followed your easy steps.
Partner, Ernst & Young

Your up-beat tutorials were entertaining and informative and we received a great deal of highly positive feedback from all participants.
Marketing & Strategy, Telstra

Insightful and entertaining, you captivated the audience for a full two hours. Your individual style and sense of theatre captured everyone’s attention and we were all talking about it the next day. Thank you!
Robert Richards and Zoran Mustac, Arnott’s

You made our event such a great success. Your up-beat tutorials were entertaining and informative and we received a great deal of highly positive feedback from all participants on the day.
Robert Gibbs, Telstra

After the previous night’s activities, it was excellent to get everyone back up to speed and ‘Wake ‘em up with your lively presentation! I would highly recommend a similar seminar to start off the day next year.
Andrew Green, Woolworth

Your speech was very topical and certainly outlined the realms of possibilities that are coming down the pipe to us. It was an excellent mix of information, humour and anecdotes.
Tony Fitzgerald, National Australia Bank

Motivating…entertaining...with amusing anecdotes and great case studies from her wide experience. Really fired us up!

Yvonne delivered a humorous and enlightening presentation to a very diverse audience.  She managed to hold their attention for 2 hours and successfully converted the sceptics. We all learned something.
Judith Hanke, Dept Education & Training

A wonderfully entertaining speech. Friendly and cheeky... with relevant and informative stories - a crucial component for keeping audiences captivated. Valuable hints and tips that will take these bright young things very far indeed You’re now Monash University's draw card for the annual event.
Karen Young, Manager, Industry Projects, Monash University

Your presentation was informative, vibrant and funny.  The tips within your talk had people calling me the next day letting me know how handy they were and others wanted to pass on that they had followed your instructions!
You were excellent and I will definitely consider you for events that I organise in the future
Kim Hurst-Meyers, Dept of Finance and Administration

Congratulations on your superb presentation at our Melbourne luncheon. The event was a great success and enjoyed immensely by all. I appreciate the enthusiastic contribution you displayed. Your willingness to impart your knowledge and business expertise with the audience was indeed generous.
Lynette Palmen AM, Founder & MD, Women’s Network Australia

Thank you MS Megabyte, for your wonderful performance at the opening celebrations of the Hume Global Learning Centre. We were thrilled with your MC work and demonstrations. The evening was a great success.
Melanie Gardiner, Hume City Council

...A wonderful, energetic speaker – with the right mix of stories and content; Learnt heaps in a short time; Sensational; The hour flew by. More please!; Fun; Made my day – what she taught me will save me hours.
MJL People Dynamics

Excellent  Very well received by our delegates, positive feedback, Yvonne delivered the message I wanted.  She was involved with the group, enjoyed presenting and developed great interaction.

L.J.Hooker International Operations

Yvonne's presentation was refreshinlgy different from our typical lunch time speakers.  She managed to get everyone involved in the room and we practiced some of Yvonne's techniques throughout the conference. Her presentation was memorable and we will be trying some of her techniques at our next team brain storming session.
Grant Thornton

Yvonne's session not only delivered the message (supported by framework and process) in relation to creative thinking but also enthused everyone to immediately become involved and to continue that involvement.  Her energy, enthusiasm and ideas are a major part of the success of her delivery. These in turn became a vital part of the success of our overall workshop.
Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

I have received so much positive feedback from our customers on you - our event MC. Thank you so very much for making the event such a great hit with our customers and leaving such an impression, you did such a fantastic job and we were absolutely thrilled with your involvement and the value that you added. It was an absolute pleasure working with such a professional and I definitely look forward to the next opportunity!
Intel Australia

A massive thank you for the fantastic job you did MCing. You were able to provide a genuinely unique atmosphere and buzz to our event whilst still keeping things running smoothly throughout the two days.

Yvonne was a fantastic MC – she’s very skilled at tying together the pieces of the day and making insightful comments on other speakers’ presentations.

You were the perfect MC for our guests. You made the event run very smoothly and you injected entertainment and fun into it. Thank you again Yvonne and we hope to be working with you again. 
Starlight foundation

Real mental sorbet – refreshing and invigorating. I shall certainly advocate your talents to others. Your contribution to the REIWA conference was just invaluable – so energetic and innovative!

Insightful and entertaining, you captivated the audience. Your individual style and sense of theatre captured everyone’s attention and we were all talking about it the next day. Thank you!

Thank you being inspiring, thought provoking and positive. It went down exceptionally well with our conference audience.
Independent Cinemas Association of Australia

…Yvonne Adele just blew my mind! Finally I now understand blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and Google Alerts for the first time ever. More importantly I now understand how they can actually benefit my business and how I can improve my marketing strategy through social media, rather than spending a fortune on other marketing techniques. Yvonne has a unique way of presenting the information so that even the novice like myself could understand. Her generosity was incredible.
Carla Fotev, Psychologist and Director of EmergencySupport.com.au

 Yvonne Adele is just bursting with ideas on how to get known online. She has a great system for developing an online presence that is logical, practical and actually fun to implement.
David Koutsoukis Leadership Speaker, Author and Consultant / President, National Speakers Association of Australia